

Latitude: 57.088591, Longitude: -4.039838


Matches 851 to 900 of 965

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
851 Sterling, Agness  Abt 1784Scotland I5823
852 Steven, William  Feb 1840Scotland I38421
853 Stevenson Baron  Abt 1545Scotland I22695
854 Stevenson Baronness  Abt 1550Scotland I22696
855 Steward, Baisa  1400Scotland I72575
856 Stewart, Alexander  Abt 1512Scotland I38848
857 Stewart, Annabel  1568Scotland I22743
858 Stewart, Annie  1829Scotland I46188
859 Stewart, Archibald  Abt 1798Scotland I14848
860 Stewart, Donald  1851Scotland I72119
861 Stewart, Duncan  1826Scotland I72289
862 Stewart, Elizabeth  Abt 1520Scotland I22733
863 Stewart, Lady Elizabeth /Stuart  Abt 1587Scotland I22752
864 Stewart, Ellen  1855Scotland I67556
865 Stewart, Isobel  Abt 1735Scotland I32276
866 Stewart, James Commendator of Kelso and Melrose  1529Scotland I22726
867 Stewart, James  Abt 1760Scotland I39230
868 Stewart, James Spec  Abt 1790Scotland I61268
869 Stewart, James  18 Apr 1844Scotland I72116
870 Stewart, James White  May 1810Scotland I34624
871 Stewart, Jean  1350Scotland I72722
872 Stewart, Jean  Abt 1760Scotland I17312
873 Stewart, John  Abt 1805Scotland I9958
874 Stewart, John  1821Scotland I39232
875 Stewart, Margaret  Scotland I13592
876 Stewart, Margaret  1759Scotland I45332
877 Stewart, Mathew  1550Scotland I71212
878 Stewart, Robert  Abt 1803Scotland I14854
879 Stewart, Violet Jeane Clarke  1900Scotland I55352
880 Stewart, Walter Ist Lord Innermeath  Abt 1402Scotland I72579
881 Stewart, William  1790Scotland I32212
882 Stewart, William  20 Aug 1820Scotland I32208
883 Stirling, Sir Henry 3rd Baronet of Ardoch  18 Nov 1688Scotland I53772
884 Story, John  1745Scotland I63094
885 Sturgeon, Elspeth  1701Scotland I22131
886 Sutherland, Isabella  8 Oct 1820Scotland I21279
887 Sutherland, Robert  Abt 1793Scotland I12396
888 Sutherland, Robert  Abt 1805Scotland I1595
889 Tate, Janet  Abt 1706Scotland I22134
890 Taylor, John Sr.  Abt 1787Scotland I4986
891 Taylor, Margaret  Abt 1903Scotland I1732
892 Taylor, William  1801Scotland I46057
893 Taylor, William  1836Scotland I7388
894 Templeman, Marion Sinclair  1836Scotland I39045
895 Templeton  1842Scotland I39049
896 Templeton, Agnes  26 May 1824Scotland I35305
897 Templeton, Margaret  1844Scotland I45966
898 Tennant, Thomas  1755Scotland I54927
899 Third, Mary  1837Scotland I66845
900 Thom, Jannet  22 Apr 1823Scotland I5030

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