LANARK COUNTY ORIGINS My ancestors, their friends, neighbours and associates.
Matches 1 to 50 of 280
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | ||
1 | Suzan | Abt 1654 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67965 |
2 | Barr, James | 1779 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71998 |
3 | Euin, Mary | 1678 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67952 |
4 | Euine, Mary | 1698 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I36047 |
5 | Euine, Thomas | Abt 1652 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67964 |
6 | Garner, Jenat | 1726 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71032 |
7 | Hamilton, Margaret | 1793 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73021 |
8 | Jardine, Robert | 1796 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72232 |
9 | Johnston, Jean | 1754 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67364 |
10 | Lindsay | 1686 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67972 |
11 | Lindsay | 1761 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67819 |
12 | Lindsay, Adam | 1694 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70155 |
13 | Lindsay, Agnas | 1704 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71310 |
14 | Lindsay, Agnas | 1714 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67808 |
15 | Lindsay, Agnes | 6 May 1677 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I9091 |
16 | Lindsay, Agnes | 8 Feb 1677/78 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67874 |
17 | Lindsay, Agnes | 1767 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I56647 |
18 | Lindsay, Alexander | Aug 1677 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I1538 |
19 | Lindsay, Alexander | 1721 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I14570 |
20 | Lindsay, Alexander | 1738 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70139 |
21 | Lindsay, Alexander | 1768 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70165 |
22 | Lindsay, Alexander | 1786 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67845 |
23 | Lindsay, Ann | 1737 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73062 |
24 | Lindsay, Christian | 3 May 1679 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67875 |
25 | Lindsay, David | 1686 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70368 |
26 | Lindsay, Elizabeth | 1682 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I9094 |
27 | Lindsay, Elizabeth | 1699 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70157 |
28 | Lindsay, Elizabeth | 1782 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67844 |
29 | Lindsay, Florence | 1694 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67977 |
30 | Lindsay, Gordon | 1809 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73018 |
31 | Lindsay, Gordon Wilson | 1848 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73043 |
32 | Lindsay, Grissell | 1687 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70370 |
33 | Lindsay, Grizal | 1708 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67806 |
34 | Lindsay, Grizal | 1729 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I33206 |
35 | Lindsay, Grizal | 1738 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67829 |
36 | Lindsay, Helen | 1750 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67835 |
37 | Lindsay, Helen | 1752 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67936 |
38 | Lindsay, Isobel | 1693 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70372 |
39 | Lindsay, Isobel | 1703 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I36104 |
40 | Lindsay, Isobel | 1741 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73059 |
41 | Lindsay, Isobel | 1775 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73012 |
42 | Lindsay, Isobell | 1683 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67805 |
43 | Lindsay, James | 1679 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70422 |
44 | Lindsay, James | 1684 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67971 |
45 | Lindsay, James | 1697 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70156 |
46 | Lindsay, James | 1712 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71312 |
47 | Lindsay, James | 1717 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I9103 |
48 | Lindsay, James | 1718 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67985 |
49 | Lindsay, James | 1720 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67876 |
50 | Lindsay, James | 1720 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67986 |
Matches 1 to 50 of 254
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Christening | Person ID | ||
1 | Euin, Mary | 9 Jun 1678 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67952 |
2 | Euine, Mary | 10 Apr 1698 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I36047 |
3 | Garner, Jenat | 12 Apr 1726 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71032 |
4 | Hamilton, Margaret | 20 Oct 1793 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73021 |
5 | Johnston, Jean | 27 Jan 1754 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67364 |
6 | Kinniburgh, Ann | 19 Nov 1779 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71995 |
7 | Lindsay | 13 Jun 1686 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67972 |
8 | Lindsay | 8 Sep 1761 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67819 |
9 | Lindsay, Adam | 17 Jun 1694 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70155 |
10 | Lindsay, Agnas | 6 Aug 1704 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71310 |
11 | Lindsay, Agnas | 11 Mar 1713/14 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67808 |
12 | Lindsay, Agnes | 8 Feb 1676/77 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67874 |
13 | Lindsay, Agnes | 24 May 1767 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I56647 |
14 | Lindsay, Alexander | 22 Aug 1677 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I1538 |
15 | Lindsay, Alexander | 2 Apr 1721 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I14570 |
16 | Lindsay, Alexander | 16 Jun 1738 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70139 |
17 | Lindsay, Alexander | 29 Feb 1768 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70165 |
18 | Lindsay, Alexander | 29 Dec 1786 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67845 |
19 | Lindsay, Ann | 23 Nov 1737 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73062 |
20 | Lindsay, Christian | 3 May 1679 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67875 |
21 | Lindsay, David | 27 Feb 1685/86 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70368 |
22 | Lindsay, Elizabeth | 16 Apr 1682 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I9094 |
23 | Lindsay, Elizabeth | 12 Apr 1699 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70157 |
24 | Lindsay, Elizabeth | 28 Jul 1782 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67844 |
25 | Lindsay, Florence | 16 Sep 1694 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67977 |
26 | Lindsay, Gordon | 9 Jun 1809 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73018 |
27 | Lindsay, Gordon Wilson | 21 Aug 1848 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73043 |
28 | Lindsay, Grissell | 3 Mar 1686/87 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70370 |
29 | Lindsay, Grizal | 11 Sep 1708 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67806 |
30 | Lindsay, Grizal | 9 Dec 1729 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I33206 |
31 | Lindsay, Grizal | 2 Apr 1738 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67829 |
32 | Lindsay, Helen | 4 Jul 1750 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67835 |
33 | Lindsay, Helen | 16 Nov 1752 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67936 |
34 | Lindsay, Isobel | 5 Nov 1693 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70372 |
35 | Lindsay, Isobel | 21 Feb 1702/03 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I36104 |
36 | Lindsay, Isobel | 2 Aug 1741 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73059 |
37 | Lindsay, Isobel | 22 Oct 1775 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73012 |
38 | Lindsay, Isobell | 24 Nov 1683 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67805 |
39 | Lindsay, Isobell | 22 Feb 1718/19 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I2 |
40 | Lindsay, James | 16 Mar 1678/79 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70422 |
41 | Lindsay, James | 13 Apr 1684 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67971 |
42 | Lindsay, James | 31 Jan 1696/97 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70156 |
43 | Lindsay, James | 21 Feb 1711/12 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71312 |
44 | Lindsay, James | 1 Jul 1714 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I14574 |
45 | Lindsay, James | 16 Jun 1717 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I9103 |
46 | Lindsay, James | 2 Oct 1718 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67985 |
47 | Lindsay, James | 18 May 1720 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67876 |
48 | Lindsay, James | 9 Aug 1720 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67986 |
49 | Lindsay, James | 24 Feb 1733/34 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73060 |
50 | Lindsay, James | 28 Dec 1735 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67826 |
Matches 1 to 13 of 13
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Death | Person ID | ||
1 | Barr, James | 1849 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I71998 |
2 | Jardine, Catherine | 22 Jul 1860 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72231 |
3 | Jardine, Daniel | 18 Oct 1884 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72108 |
4 | Jardine, Janet | 14 Nov 1891 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72230 |
5 | Lindsay, Grizal | 1729 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67806 |
6 | Lindsay, Grizel | Abt 1729 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I33205 |
7 | Lindsay, Jenat | Abt 1726 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67847 |
8 | Lindsay, Robert | Abt 1726 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I14571 |
9 | Lindsay, Thomas | 22 Feb 1872 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I73019 |
10 | Miller, James | 1870 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I67242 |
11 | Miller, Janet | Abt Jul 1779 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I5 |
12 | Nochar, Elisabeth | 11 Mar 1884 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72234 |
13 | Stewart, Sarah | 7 Aug 1898 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72104 |
Matches 1 to 5 of 5
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Census | Person ID | ||
1 | McAlpine, Andrew | 1851 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I69794 |
2 | McAlpine, Andrew | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I69794 |
3 | McFarlane, Katherine | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I4075 |
4 | McLean, Daniel | 1841 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I3850 |
5 | Millar, Sarah | 1871 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I33236 |
Matches 1 to 4 of 4
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Census-Household Member | Person ID | ||
1 | Cameron, Flora | 1841 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I3851 |
2 | Galbreath, Margaret | 1851 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I69849 |
3 | Galbreath, Margaret | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I69849 |
4 | McLean, Lilian Murray | 1841 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I3855 |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Location | Person ID | ||
1 | Millar, Sarah | 1871 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I33236 |
Matches 1 to 4 of 4
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Occupation | Person ID | ||
1 | McAlpine, Andrew | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I69794 |
2 | McFarlane, Katherine | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I4075 |
3 | McLean, Daniel | 1841 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I3850 |
4 | Millar, Sarah | 1871 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I33236 |
Matches 1 to 2 of 2
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Religion | Person ID | ||
1 | Lindsay, Alexander | 1776-1780 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I14570 |
2 | McEchny, Rev. William | 1640-1685 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70599 |
Matches 1 to 11 of 11
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Residence | Person ID | ||
1 | Colquhoun, Adam Laird of Colquhoun, merchant of Dumbarton | 1601 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I70208 |
2 | Jardine, Daniel | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72108 |
3 | Jardine, Daniel | 1871 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72108 |
4 | McAlpine, Andrew | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I69794 |
5 | McFarlane, Katherine | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I4075 |
6 | Miller, John | 1797 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I4092 |
7 | Miller, William | 1749 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I34083 |
8 | Stewart, Sarah | 1841 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72104 |
9 | Stewart, Sarah | 1851 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72104 |
10 | Stewart, Sarah | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72104 |
11 | Stewart, Sarah | 1871 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I72104 |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Residence-Occupant | Person ID | ||
1 | Galbreath, Margaret | 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | I69849 |
Matches 1 to 50 of 78
Family | Marriage | Family ID | ||
1 | / Campbell | 5 Dec 1766 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F25132 |
2 | / Euin | 1 Dec 1699 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F23517 |
3 | Boag / Campbell | 3 Feb 1899 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F19666 |
4 | Flint / Stewart | 20 Mar 1840 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24801 |
5 | Hamilton / Lindsay | 16 Mar 1792 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F25115 |
6 | Jardine / Nochar | 6 Sep 1861 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24840 |
7 | Jardine / Stewart | 16 Dec 1843 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24802 |
8 | Johnston / Lindsay | 9 Mar 1750/51 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F12141 |
9 | Lindsay / | 10 May 1707 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F23477 |
10 | Lindsay / Colquhoun | 19 Jul 1796 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F25113 |
11 | Lindsay / Euine | 19 Jun 1698 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F2827 |
12 | Lindsay / Euine | 22 Aug 1713 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F2828 |
13 | Lindsay / Fleming | 12 Nov 1737 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F19787 |
14 | Lindsay / Lindsay | 6 Dec 1683 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24297 |
15 | Lindsay / Lindsay | 29 Jun 1706 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F23478 |
16 | Lindsay / Lindsay | 10 May 1707 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24595 |
17 | Lindsay / Lindsay | 17 May 1712 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F23489 |
18 | Lindsay / Lindsay | 2 Dec 1728 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F17089 |
19 | Lindsay / Lindsay | 28 Nov 1734 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F23484 |
20 | Lindsay / McEchny | Abt 1733 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24363 |
21 | Lindsay / McFarlane | 25 Jul 1761 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F1834 |
22 | Lindsay / McIntyre | 6 Jan 1721/22 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24204 |
23 | Lindsay / McIntyre | 3 Jun 1731 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F11336 |
24 | Lindsay / McKinlay | 10 Aug 1695 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F12161 |
25 | Lindsay / McKinlay | 19 Mar 1746/47 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F12163 |
26 | Lindsay / McKinlay | 22 Jan 1749/50 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F23481 |
27 | Lindsay / McKinley | 22 Jan 1749/50 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24205 |
28 | Lindsay / McLintock | 5 Nov 1698 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24384 |
29 | Lindsay / McPherson | 3 Aug 1793 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F23490 |
30 | Lindsay / Miller | 11 Jun 1763 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24203 |
31 | Lindsay / Nairn | 11 Jan 1751/52 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F11343 |
32 | Lindsay / Wilson | 22 Jun 1805 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F25114 |
33 | Lindsay / Wilson | 6 Jan 1838 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F25127 |
34 | Lyndsay / Ewing | 10 Dec 1678 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24418 |
35 | MacAlpine / Cunningham | 9 Nov 1816 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24199 |
36 | MacAlpine / McIntyre | 21 May 1853 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24198 |
37 | Macindoe / Gardner | 4 Oct 1845 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24179 |
38 | Macindoe / Macallister | 22 May 1790 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F11487 |
39 | Mcalaster / Cunninghame | 29 Dec 1679 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24534 |
40 | Mcalester / McEchny | 21 Aug 1762 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F7722 |
41 | McAlpine / Gardner | 2 May 1791 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24175 |
42 | McAlpine / McFarlane | 23 May 1819 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24196 |
43 | McAlpine / Miller | 26 Jul 1822 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24172 |
44 | McAulay / Lindsay | 23 Mar 1786 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F302 |
45 | McEchnie / Ewine | 14 May 1709 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F12087 |
46 | McEchny / Cunninghame | 22 Apr 1736 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24663 |
47 | McEchny / Garner | 25 May 1746 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F24699 |
48 | McEchny / Lindsay | 25 Jul 1738 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F7721 |
49 | McEchny / Lindsay | 5 Nov 1748 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F25112 |
50 | McEchny / Lindsay 2 | 12 Mar 1740/41 | Bonhill, Vale of Leven, West Dunbarton, Scotland | F11344 |
We make every effort to document our research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact us.