- Special Services. There were special Easter services at the Congregational church last Sunday. At Sunday School the little folks in the primary room were given Easter eggs. Each egg had a green paper frog on top and when the egg is put in water it floats. The regular morning services were held at 11 oclock.
The church was decorated with potted blooming plants and cut flowers Easter lillies and carnations and there was a large cross of ferns and carnations. There was special Easter music by the organist and choir, and Miss Branson sang a solo, My Redeemer. There were four children baptised: Edwin H. Schmidt, Albert Royce Miller, Roy Dale Lux, Mabel Emma Lux. Ten were received into the church: Raymond Miller, Carter Farrar, Wilma Farrar, Helen Wilson, May Mather, Grace Weyer, Verda Weyer, Mildred Lux, Erma Condit, Vida Keister.
The exercise. Her Easter Choice, by the class of girls, was good: the violin solo by Phoebe Bussey deserves especial mention. Because of the length of the services Mr. Bussey's sermon was short, but the Easter message was convincingly brought to the congregation. In the evening the Easter cantata.
The Seven Last Words of Christ, was given. Our public school music teacher, Miss Pearl Branson, was the director of the Cantata, and it was due to her Jgood work in drilling the chorus and the fad that the members worked faithfully and well during the few weeks of practice, that the Cantata was a success. We know we have musical talent in Centralia, but in a production of this kind it takes a good director to bring out the besy that is in the singers. Mrs. Karl Gaston should have especial mention foi her good work as pianist, for witoout a good accompani-est a directos can do little.
The soloists were, soprano, Miss Pearl Branson: mezzo soprano, Edith McBratney: baritone, Harvey Guilford. The chorus was composed of forty voices and every number was well prepared. This cantata was different from any- thing we have had before, and while the recitative style was new to some we think the large majority enjoyed the production. As proof that it was appreciated the choir have been asked to repeat the Cantata at an early date, and they will give it again this Sunday evening..
"Raymond and Albert Royce Miller" Newspapers.com. The Centralia Journal, April 17, 1914. https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-centralia-journal-raymond-and-albert/147576131/.