- His obituary appeared on 14 Jun 1945 in in
Hammond, St. Lawrence, New York, as follows: "Rites Held Tuesday For B. Gordon, 50. Prominent Local Farmer Had Been In Failing Health More than a year. Funeral Services for Benjamin J. Gordon, prominent Hammond farmer who passed away Sunday afternoon in Hepburn hospital after a long period of ill health, were very largely attended. The service was held in the local Presbyterian church with the pastor, Rev. W. Halbert Campbell officiating, assisted by the Rev. Clyde Joudry, brother-in-law of Mr. Gordon and rector of Trinity Episcopal church in Gouvernuer.
"Mr. Gordon underwent a major operation last December and never fully recovered from its effects. He returned home, but was unable to be around much since that time and two weeks prior to his death he was removed to the hospital again.
"He was born April 5, 1895, at South Hammond, a son of Obed H. and the late Eva Cox Gordon. He attended the district schools and was graduated from Redwood High school. He then attended and graduated from the Central City Business school in Syracuse. During World War I, he served with the heavy artillery in France and held the rank of a sergeant major when he was discharged after the war.
"On Oct. 8, 1924, he married Miss Irene Miller of this place at Ogdensburg, the late Rev. Dr. D. A. Ferguson of Hammond officiating. To this union was [sic] born two children, Anita, a senior in Potsdam State Teachers college, and Douglas, at home. Mr. Gordon is also survived by his wife, his father, O. H. Gordon of this village, and a brother, Royal Gordon, of South Hammond.
"For several years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Gordon operated the Gordon farm at South Hammnd until in 1937, when they purchased a farm on the Oak Point road. They moved off this farm this spring because of his failing health, and came to reside in the village.
"Mr. Gordon had served as master of Hammond grange two years, and was a member of the local, Pomona, State and National grange. He had also served as president of the Dairymen's League local and was one of the town assessors for about five years.
"The bearers at the rites Tuesday were present and former neighbors, Cyril McDougall, Vincent Mead, I. K. Daniels, Karl Storie, Herbert Scott and Harry Howard. Interment was made in Fairview [sic] cemetery."