- Parents: John Thomas Wright & Elizabeth Cruckling.
Born: Outwell, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, England.
Manitoba Pioneer is laid to Rest
In the early morning hours of last Monday there passed a strong heroic soul away. Mrs. McClelland was loved and revered by a great company that had been fortunate in knowing her and in coming into contact with her gracious presence, and added to by a rich experience of a long and useful life.
Mrs. McClelland who was born in 1846, came to West Lynne with her husband, the late William McClelland in 1872 and was the first white woman to land in this district. When she arrived, the Hudon's Bay officers accorded her a royal welcome. Her life has been blessed by good health and with the exception of hearing, she retained all her faculties, and she took a great interest in the affairs of the district. Two months ago she took ill and her life was despaired of but she regained some of her old time health.
During all these years, Mrs. McClelland has been carefully tended by her daughter, Nurse Ruth. Mr. McClelland died in 1911. Seven sons and four daughters survive. The sons are W. J., J. A., T. W., George of the Marais, Hugh of Dominion City and Robert of Herbert, Sask. With the exception of the last, all were present at the funeral and acted as pallbearers. The daughters are Mrs. A. D. Sproule of Winnipeg, Mrs. Thos. Irvine of Morris, Mrs. Geo Davey of Westbourne, Miss Ruth at home and a brother, J. W. Wright lives in Winnipeg. There are thirty-five grandchildren.
The funeral was held on Tuesday, Rev. C. C. Watkins of St. Lukes, assisted by Rev. D. R. Pattterson of the United Church officiated at the services at the house and at the graveside. Mr. Patterson also sang "No Need of Meadows".
The spacious home was packed to the doors with sympathetic friends and neighbours and a long line of cars followed to the Emerson cemetery where interment was made. The casket was covered with many beautiful flowers, bearing a silent tribute of the respect and sympathy in the passing of one, who has been rightly termed "A Mother in Israel".
She is survived by four daughters and seven sons - Mrs. A. D. Sproule(Frances), Winnipeg; Mrs. Davie (Annie), Westbourne; Mrs. Irvine (Susan), Morris; Nurse McClelland (Ruth), Marais; William, Joseph, George, and Tom, of Marais; Dr. Charles McClelland, Dominion City; Hugh of Rosebank; and Robert J., of Herbert, Sask.