- N. D. PIONEER PASSES AWAY. Thomas Campbell Died Yesterday Afternoon at Home in Perth, Ont. Had Been Resident of Grand Forks County From 1876 Until Ten Years Ago When He Retired and Returned to Perth, Ont., to Spend Remaining Days.
Known and Respected by Scores of People in This Section.
Thomas Campbell, aged 65 years, one of the pioneer residents of this county, died suddenly at Perth, Ont., yesterday afternoon (June 15, 1910), the sad news of his demise being received here by his son, Manager Thomas D. Campbell of the state railway company. The telegram reached here too late in the evening for Mr. Campbell to take the train and attend the funeral, but he expects to make the trip to Ontario in the course of a week or two. The deceased leaves a wife and three children, Thomas D. Campbell of this city and Elizabeth and Sadie Campbell, who are at home, they being the survivors of a family of seven.
Thomas Campbell was born in Scotland and came with his parents to this country when he was a mere baby. His parents settled at Perth, Ont., where he grew to manhood. In 1869, Mr. Campbell came to the western part of the United States and homesteaded near Crookston, MN. In 1876, he came to Grand Forks, ND and settled here permanently until ten years ago, when with Mrs. Campbell and their two daughters, he returned to the home of his childhood to spend his declining years. Until last year, Mr. Campbell paid frequent visits to Grand Forks, but a year ago he suffered a paralytic stroke and since that time has had several attacks of severe sickness, the paralytic stroke being the indirect cause of his death yesterday afternoon. The end came suddenly and somewhat unexpectedly.
During his residence in Grand Forks county Mr. Campbell was recognized as a man of sterling worth and business integrity and has hosts of friends in this section who will regret to learn of his death. He was one of the largest land holders in Grand Forks county and was eminently successful in his chosen occupation, that of farming.
Grand Forks Daily Herald, Thursday Morning, June 16, 1910, Volume XXIX, Number 194, Page 10