- "Death of a Pioneer. Eighty years ago in the summer, Mr. Peter McNee, with his parents and their family, arrived in the Township of Drummond from Lochearnside, Perthshire, Scotland, and settled, with the Balderson pioneers, in the fertile lands on the 7th and 8th lines of the township. This was in the year 1820. The family underwent all the hardships of pioneer life, but gradually the farms of that vicinity blossomed as the rose, and all through there now comfortable and luxurious homes and cleared, well-cultivated fields have succeeded the log cabins and stretches of unbroken maple, beech and elm forests of the primeval days. After a long life of eighty-seven years, the subject of our sketch, Mr. Peter McNee, crossed the bar on Sunday last, his death resulting from no disease, but simply from the wearing out of his system. He died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Peter Cavers, near Harper, Bathurst, and his funeral took place on Tuesday to the old Presbyterian burying-ground, in Perth. Rev. Mr. McIlraith, of the Balderson church, officiating. Deceased was married to Miss Margaret Clark, also a native of Perthshire, Scotland, who preceded him to the grave some years. He settled, when a young man, on a farm on the 7th line of Bathurst, now occupied by his son Peter, and which he owned and worked until the infirmities of advancing age caused him to cease from his labors. His children were: Margaret (Mrs. John McGregor), James (deceased), Elizabeth (deceased), Peter on the 7th line farm, and Jessie (Mrs. Peter Cavers). Deceased was like the rest of his kith and kin, a staunch Liberal."
[Col. 3, Pg. 5; The Perth Courier; Friday, 30 Nov 1900; Vol. LXVII, No. 14]