Notes |
- Possible son and daughter:
Event Type: Census
Name: William V B Adams
Sex: Male
Age: 59
Event Date: 1855
Event Place: E.D. 1, Coxsackie, Greene, New York, United States
Relationship to Head of Household: Head
Birth Year (Estimated): 1796
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
William V B Adams Head M 59
Christina Farmer Sister F 45
William Farmer Brother-in-law M 32
Mary Sulvan Servant F 27
Household ID: 36
Line Number: 1
GS Film Number: 480076
Digital Folder Number: 005207087
Digital Folder Number: 005207087
Image Number: 00014
Citing this Record
"New York State Census, 1855," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 3 March 2021), William V B Adams, E.D. 1, Coxsackie, Greene, New York, United States; citing p. , line #1, family #36, county clerk offices, New York; FHL microfilm 480,076.
- (Research):
"The Hills were among the earliest of the linen merchants to establish a mass bleaching plant." Hillmount, a fine three-storey Georgian mill-owner's house, was built by one of this family perhaps about 1720, probably around 1760, certainly before 1778. Shown to be the seat of Mr John Hill in Lendrick's map of 1780, and Williamson's revision of 1808. It seems that the Hills prospered during the Napoleonic wars, adding the handsome single-storey bow-fronted bays at either side, and excavating the lake in front of the house when "the material taken out was distributed in such a way as to suggest to a stranger the remains of extensive earthworks". But by 1825 Mr Hill had failed; he was imprisoned for debt in Carrickfergus Gaol, and it was there that the purchase of the house, bleach-green and mill was negotiated by Dr William Young, one of the ubiquitous Youngs of Ballymena.
n 1768 land was advertised for sale, apparently as being in the estate of Rolleston Humphrey Esq (Belfast Newsletter, 5th Feb 1768). It included:
"?that Parcel of Ground called Barley-Hill, with several Houses, Tenements and Gardens, now in the Possession of James Cobham, Thomas and James Magill, James Penny, Matthew Barry and William Barkley?"
However, this was countered on the 12th February:
WHEREAS an Advertisement has been inserted in the Belfast News-Paper, that some Lands and Tenements near the Town of Carrickfergus, in the Possession of James Magill, Thomas Magill, James Cobham, Matthew Barry, and others, called the Estate of Rolleston Humphry, Esq.; are to be sold. This is therefore to give Notice, that Michael Savage, by his last Will and Testament, bearing Date the 17th Day of December, 1678, did devised the said Lands and Tenements to Thomas Orpin, and Sarah his Wife, their Heirs, or either of them, for ever: That the said Thomas Orpin, by his last Will and Testament, bearing Date the 21st Day of August, 1719, bequeathed the Tenements adjoining the Barley Hill to Mary Barry, otherwise Wissencroft; Margaret (F/P)eny, otherwise Wissencroft, and Others, who are now in the actual Possession of said Tenement, and have been for these 34 Years past: That the said Mary and Margaret, as also Ann Laverty, otherwise Wissencroft, and Martha Peny, otherwise Wissencroft, the Grand Children of said Thomas Orpin, are the lawful Heirs of said Lands and Tenements: That neither the aforesaid Rolleston Humphry, nor any other Person whatsoever has an Right or Title to sell said Lands of Tenements; whereof every one designed to purchase said Lands or Tenements, or any Part thereof, are desired to take Notice.
Dated at Carrickfergus, this 10th Day of Feb. 1768.
I'm guessing the Matthew Barry mentioned was married to Mary Barry, otherwise Wissencroft. So potentially it could have been:
Matthew BARRY married Mary WISSENCROFT, granddaughter of Thomas ORPIN?
- Matthew BARRY married Ann REILEY, daughter of Garret REILEY
Here's a connection between my last post and the Hills of Hillsmount. Belfast Newsletter, 1st March 1771:
To be set and entered upon immediately, in the Liberties of Carrickfergus, one Farm of Land called Carnamrock, on which the late Mr. Matthew Barry lived. Said Farm contains 36 Acres, Plantation Measure, and is divided into proper Parks, with Quickset Hedges, and is very convenient to Lime. Proposals to be received for the above Farm by John Hill of Hillsmount, near Ballymena. No Preference to be given to any one. Also four small Farms to be let in Drumra by said John Hill. The above Advertisement to be continued only four Times. Dates this 23d Day of Feb. 1771.
So one Matthew Barry dead by 1771, another still alive in 1773 ? Belfast Newsletter 28th May ? 1st June 1773:
To be set from the first Day of November next, for such Term as may be agreed upon, a Farm of Land, situate in the North-East Division of the Liberties of Carrickfergus, known by the Name of Bashford's Land, containing about 37 Acres, all Arable and Meadow. Proposals in Writing will be received by James Bashford, at his House in Belfast; and the Lands will be shewn by Matthew Barry who lives on and takes Care of said Farm. Dated May 31, 1773. This to be continued four Times.
Belfast Newsletter, 24th Apr 1772:
Dropt on the Road betwixt Ballymena and Portglenone, on Saturday last, a Silver Watch, Maker, William Birnie, Dublin, No. 46; on the outer Case is engraved a Coat of Arms; the Crest a Hand and broken Spear; Dial-plate enamelled, Steel Chain, two Seals; on one of them an H and E in Cypher on one Side, on the other a Hawk; on the other Seal, which is Triangular, is the same Arms in different Sides, &c. Whoever returns said Watch, &c. to Mr. John Hill at Hillsmount, near Cullybackey, Mr. Hugh Edmonston, Merchant in Ballymena, Mr. Andrew Crawford, Merchant in Portglenone, or the Printers hereof, shall have a Guinea Reward. Dated 21st April, 1772.
Belfast Newsletter, 3rd-7th November 1775:
WHEREAS on Sunday Night last, being the 29th of October, the Bleach-yard of John and Charles Hill of Hillsmount, near Ballymena, in the County of Antrim, was audaciously entered into by some Villains unknown, who feloniously lifted and carried off said Bleach-yard nin Piexces of 3-4th and 8-8th wide Linen, the Property of John, Charles, and James Hill?
I wonder what relationship John, Charles and James were to each other.
Note on the Orpins, again from The History of Carrickfergus:
"John Orpin was a pewterer and plumber and of mean descent; the way he came to improve his fortune was by being one of the Executors of the Lady Langford, by which he got considerable, but not justly." He died 1661, leaving his possessions here to his son Thomas, a glazier, who died 1719, bequeathing his property to his eldest son John, and his daughter Margaret Wisencraft, and offspring. ? Gill's MSS. MS.
Belfast Newsletter, 6th Dec 1768:
On Tuesday last was married, Mr. John Hill of Drumra in the County of Antrim, Linen Draper, to Miss Berry of Carrickfergus, an agreeable young lady, with a Fortune of 1500l.
1776 ? Charles Hill, Drumra ? listed in the Deputy Court Cheque Book, election for Antrim
1776 ? James Hill, Drumra ? listed in the Deputy Court Cheque Book, election for Antrim
1778 ? a T. Hill, Esq., of Drumra raised a corps called the Portglenone Volunteers
I think Drumra may be Drumraw, a townland roughly halfway between Portglenone and Cullybackey.
Now that I've put John Hill and Anne Barry's marriage into my tree it has brought up another tree on Ancestry. It has John Hill's parents as the Rev. J. Hill and Ann Moore. It has Anne Barry's parents as Matthew Barry and Ann Coleman. I don't know what the sources are.
Before seeing the above tree I remember making a mental note about a Rev. J Hill who I thought might be connected to John Hill of Hillmount. I can't remember where I saw it though!
Hillmount House, Cullybackey
I've just realised this was one of my favourite houses featured in Brett's Buildings of County Antrim. He says:
"The Hills were among the earliest of the linen merchants to establish a mass bleaching plant." Hillmount, a fine three-storey Georgian mill-owner's house, was built by one of this family perhaps about 1720, probably around 1760, certainly before 1778. Shown to be the seat of Mr John Hill in Lendrick's map of 1780, and Williamson's revision of 1808. It seems that the Hills prospered during the Napoleonic wars, adding the handsome single-storey bow-fronted bays at either side, and excavating the lake in front of the house when "the material taken out was distributed in such a way as to suggest to a stranger the remains of extensive earthworks". But by 1825 Mr Hill had failed; he was imprisoned for debt in Carrickfergus Gaol, and it was there that the purchase of the house, bleach-green and mill was negotiated by Dr William Young, one of the ubiquitous Youngs of Ballymena.
I'm still convinced John Hill of Hillmount was dead by 1788, so if there was still a John Hill there in 1808 I think it was someone else.
In 1827 the "House and Lands of Drumra, situated on the main road communicating between the considerable Market Towns of Ballymena and Portglenone" was to let, with applications to be made to Mr. Thomas Hill, Hillmount, Ballymena.
In 1829 there are ads for the "Bleach Mills, House, & Lands of Hillmount, situated about 3 miles from Ballymena" which were to be sold by auction in September. The ad also mentions the lands and mansion house of Drumra, also for sale. "Further particulars may be known by applying to Thomas Hill, Hillmount, Ballymena."
The adds stop in September 1829, so presumably the properties were sold. However, new ads reappear in 1832 for an auction in July that year, now just for the Hillmount properties (not Drumra) ? "for particulars, apply to Alex. & John Montgomery, Belfast".
This time it looks like there was no sale, because the ads continue, with a new auction date set for September 21st, then 29th October and finally the 14th December at which point they stop again.
The Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail, 8th May 1833, lists Thomas Hill, late of Hillmount, county Antrim, bleacher as an insolvent debtor, his case to be heard on the 23rd May.
In May 1833: "HILLMOUNT BLEACH GREEN: the interest in the Lease to be Sold" with proposals to be received by "Mr. B. Alex. Cannon, No. 4, D'Olier-Street, Dublin; or John Gower, Esq., Roundwood-park, Newtown, Mount-Kennedy."
April 1834: "To be sold or let" ? "Proposals will be received ? by John Gower [as above] ? Thomas Reilly, at Hillmount, will show the Premises."
Belfast Commercial Chronicle, 11 May 1836:
Of typhus fever, at Hillmount, near Ballymena, on the 7th inst. Margaret, wife of Robert Young, Esq. and daughter of Wm. Gihon, of Hillhead, Esq.
After this, as suggested by Brett, the Youngs continue at Hillmount for a few decades. (Incidentally, Robert Young was my 1st cousin 5 times removed.)
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Hillmount House, Larne
Not to be outdone by the Hills of Ballymena, the Hills of Larne also appear to have had a "Hillmount House".
This ad is from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle, 2nd Nov 1822:
TO BE LET. For any Term no exceeding Twenty-One Years. Hillmount House and Gardens, with or without the Farm attached thereto. The House and Offices are in complete condition for the reception of a genteel Family ? situate on the Sea Shore, in a beautiful Bay, on the Road from Larne to Glenarm, within 1 ?a miles of the former. The beauty of the situation, fine air, and Sea-bathing, cannot be exceeded. Apply (if by Letter, post-paid) to the Proprietor, GEORGE HILL, Larne, Oct. 23, 1822.
Is this the George Hill who married Mary Hill of Hillmount, Cullybackey?
This could be his death, Limerick Evening Post, 1st Jul 1828:
At Larne, George Hill, Esq.
That's not very informative, but a copy of his will survives at PRONI.
The Derry Journal, 22nd Sep 1835, contains a report that on one night in the neighbourhood of Larne, three valuable horses were stolen:
?one belonging to Mr Robert Shaw, of Cairncastle, another to Mr Joseph Barr, of Ballycraigey, and the last to Mr William Kirk Martin, Hillmount. It would appear that the fellow who stole them had galloped them the whole way to the Waterside ? neither of them being saddled; and, having rested them there for a short time, he put them on board one of the steamers of this port, which was on the eve of her departure for Liverpool. Mr Martin traced the thief to Derry; and having taken a passage in the first steamer to Liverpool, he there discovered two of the stolen horses in the livery stables of a Mr Lucas, who had purchased them from a person who represented himself to be their owner, and who had gone off with the remaining horse to a fair in the country. Mr Martin got the two horses delivered up to him; and Mr Lucas, we understand, set out in pursuit of the thief.
The Northern Whig, 1st Feb 1842, a "Mr. Richard Hill, Hillmount" is mentioned in a report on a ploughing match of the "County of the Town of Carrickfergus and Kilroot Agricultural Society".
By the time of the c1860 Valuation Book, Hillmount House in Drains Bay is still shown as belonging to the representatives of George Hill. This continues all the way through till 1928/9 ? 100 years after George Hill's death!?
The tenants for most of that time by the way were McNeils ? presumably descendants of George Hill mentioned in the first post (one of George Hill's daughters married a McNeil).
p.s. This house was for sale recently and can be viewed online if you fancy a nosy. Apparently built in the early 19th century, which fits with George Hill's 1822 ad.
Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
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This probably has appeared on this forum before, but I will put it here as well as it seems that there is more interest now on the Hill family of Hillmount and the Matin family. I am interested if anyone has any additional information on Maria Martin, dau of John Martin of Dublin, who married Alexander Macaulay (See below). Most likely connected somehow with William Kirk Martin's family.
1. Rev. John Hill of Cashel.
2. Son m.
3. Arthur Hill
3. Sarah Hill m. Mr Anderson
4. Jane Anderson
3. George Hill m. 1797 his cousin, Mary Hill of Hillmount and Ballymena, youngest dau of John Hill and Anne Barry
4. Jane Hill m. Capt. George Macaulay, son of Alexander Macaulay, High Sheriff of Co. Antrim and the Hon. Julia Henrietta Acheson, dau of 1st Lord Gosford.
5. Alexander Macaulay (1819-1849) m. Maria Martin, dau of John Martin of Air Hill, Co. Dublin.
6. Alexander Macaulay(1849-1880) m. Emily Constance Rotheram, dau of George A. Rotheram, High Sheriff of Co. Meath
5. Mary Macaulay m. William Harper Lepper, son of Charles Lepper of Laurel Lodge, Belfast and Anne Jane Harper.
6. Mary Hill Lepper m. 1866 Richard Stewart Dobbs, son of Maj. Gen. Richard Stewart Dobbs and Jane Cathcart, dau of Robert Cathcart.
6. Anne Jane Lepper m. 1863 William Storrs Fry (1837-1898) of East Ham, son of Wm. Storrs Frly and Juliana Pelly, dau of John Henry Pelly.
7. Mary Juliana Fry, b. 1865
7. Ann Susan Fry, b. 1868
7. Elizabeth Fry, (1871-1881)
7. Arthur Pelly Fry (1873-1923)
7. Lewis A. Fry, b. 1874
7. Ethel O. Fry, b. 1875
7. Charles M. Fry, b. 1877
7. Raymond F.(T?) Fry (1880-1960) m. 1913 Amy Nevill Banks, dau of Edward Nevill Banks of Belfast.
7. William Storrs Fry (1866-1937)
7. Maud Louisa Fry, b. 1870; m. 1897 Elliott McNeill, son of John McNeill of Hillmount and Dublin and Mary Jane Hodges.
8. Douglas S. E. McNeill, b. 1898
8. Sybil Ethel McNeill, b. 1901
8. John Macaulay McNeill, b. 1903; m. 1929 Thirza Norine Crowe, dau of Dr. George Crowe of Didsbury, Manchester.
6. Ehen Lepper m. 1874 Charles Leech of Cloonconra, son of Charles Leech, Q.C. and Anna Maria Chambre, dau of Hunt Walsh Chambre.
5. Harriet Macaulay (1822-1907) m. Rev. Robert Posnett, son of Hutcheson Posnett, J.P. of Belfast, newspaper owner.
5. Georgina Macaulay m. Henry FitzGibbon (1824-1909), Judge, Recorder of Belfast, cousin of Rt. Hon. Gerald FitzGibbon, Lord Justice of Appeals for Ire..
6. Capt. Henry Macaulay FitzGibbon (1855-1942), Greystones, Co. Wicklow, barrister; m. Helen Rebecca Barton, dau of Dr. John Kellock Barton and Mary Apjohn, dau of Professor James Apjohn of TCD.
7. Lt. Richard Apjohn FitzGibbon (1890-1915)
7. Georgina Rose FitzGibbon, b. 1886; m. 1917 Surgeon Frederick Cecil Wright, R.N., son of Dr. F. W. Wright of Derby.
5. Anne Jane Macaulay m. George Hill Emerson, her cousin, son of Arbuthnot Emerson and Mary Hill, and nephew of Sir James Emerson-Tennent.
4. Ann Hill m. 1822 William Walsh McNeill, solicitor, son of John McNeill, solicitor, and Catherine Walsh. He d. 1845.
5. George Hill McNeill, solicitor, b. 1824; m. 1855 Mary Hudson McNeill, dau of John McNeill, solicitor, of Glenone, Co. Londonderry.
5. Catherine McNeill, b. 1827 m. 1 1852 J. McNeill; m. 2 Rev. John Moore.
5. Mary McNeill, b. 1829
5. John McNeill, b. 1830; m. Mary Jane Hodges
6. George Hill McNeill, b. 1868
6. Elliott McNeill, solicitor, b. 1870; m. 1897 Maud Louisa Fry (see above).
5. Ann McNeill, b. 1833
5. William Walsh McNeill, b. 1835; m. Martha Neill
6. Jane McNeill, b. 1871
6. George Hill McNeill, b. 1873
6. Mary Georgina McNeill
5. Eliza Emerson McNeill, b. 1837
5. Jane Hill McNeill, b. 1838
5. Harriet Macaulay McNeill, b. 1844
4. Mary Hill m. 1827 Arbuthnot Emerson, son of William Emerson and Sarah Arbuthnot
5. George Hill Emerson, b. 1828 m. Anne Jane Macaulay, see above
2. John Hill, linen merchant; m. Anne Barry, son Mr Barry and Anne Coleman, dau of Dr John Coleman of Carrickfergus.
3. Mary Hill, youngest dau, m. George Hill, her cousin, as mentioned above.
3. Elizabeth Hill, eldest dau, m. 1789 William Adams, merchant, of Portglenone.
4. Capt. Robert Adams, emigrated to Australia; m. 1844 Jane Anderson (Any relation to the previously mentioned Andersons??)
Can I be really annoying and ask what the sources are for some of this ? particularly anything that might prove George and Mary Hill were cousins? And that John of Hillmount was the son of the Rev John Hill?
What's your opinion on the lifespan of John Hill of Hillmount? There's a burial of a John Hill in 1784 aged 64 at Portglenone Church of Ireland ? do you think that's him?
Sure, no problem. A lot of that information came from the following book: On the Shining Bann: records of an Ulster Manor by R. M. Sibbett. Like yourself, I have been looking at this family mostly from a particular angle. In my case, a lot of my time has been spent researching the Macaulay family of Cushendall. One of the weaknesses with my research has concerned the Martin family. Quite a few years back I approached the FitzGibbon family hoping that they could help. Unfortunately, most of the information they had concerend only their male line and paid little attention to the distaff side of their family. As such, I wish to thank you for refiring my interest in Maria Martin, wife of Alexander Macaulay.
We need confirmation that:
1) Margaret died early, probably following a childbirth.
2) She had a son William HILL b. ~ 1844 (in Whiteabbey?).
Such an individual is recorded in the 1851 census of St. Peter Port on Guernsey, aged 7, staying c/o his "aunt" Margaret DIGMAN (nee WILLIAMSON), along with his uncle William WHITTLEY.
[Assuming he is who we think he is, then she was actually his great aunt.]
Aged 7 seemed a tad young for such an adventure, but then if he had lost his mother ...
[Also, Margaret DIGMAN desperately needed help running her spirit-grocer's shop / boarding house.
She had lost all her family during the cholera outbreak in 1832.]
3) This WH was identical with the William John HILL who married Ellenor Jane Warden STEVENSON on 02-MAR-1864 at Newtownards.
[Fathers George HILL and Henry STEVENSON.]
Ensuing family was (at least):
William Digman HILL b. 23-DEC-1864 at Donaghadee
Mary Stevenson HILL b. 05-JUN-1866 at Donaghadee
Margaret HILL b. 18-FEB-1868 at Donaghadee.
Lizzie Beatrice HILL b. 30-APR-1871 at Antrim
George Frederick HILL b. 29-MAR-1873 at Belfast 3
Frederick HILL b. 18-MAR-1879 at Belfast
To date we only knew of the first one.
He had been named Henry Stevenson HILL at birth, but had his name changed when baptised.
Your post inspired me to return to tonight, finding the others. Thanks!
William WHITTLEY had brought what remained of his family (after further sad losses) back to Belfast in 1862.
Presumably, his nephew William HILL (aged 17/18) returned with him.
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Going by the information you've provided Pablo, I'm guessing you already know this, but I noticed that the Hill/Macauley and McNeill family can also be found on the 1851 census in Larne:
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
I've also now got my hands on a copy of The Shining Bann by R. M. Sibbett (1928). Here's the extract about the Hill family:
The Rev. John Hill, Presbyterian minister, was the first of his name to reside in the manor of Cashel. His son, John Hill, linen merchant, founded the Hillmount Bleachworks at Cullybackey, now among the largest and best-equipped of their kind in the world.
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Hill, of Hillmount, married William Adams, of Portglenone, in 1789. The two youngest members of the large family by this union ? a son and a daughter ? went to Australia. There the former, Robert, became a successful sheep farmer, and the latter wed another colonist following the same occupation. Harry Adams the last-born son of Robert Adams, acquired considerable fame as a skilful surgeon. He died later near Wellington, New Zealand. Captain Adams, the only son of Harry Adams, was killed in the Great War. His sister, Lady Glenny Wilson, well known in the literary worlds, resides in New Zealand.
George Hill Adams, M.D., Edinburgh, was another son of William Adams. Practising for some years in Australia, he returned to London, and died at Notting Hill, unmarried. Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of the worthy couple indicated, married the Rev. W. C. Wray, of Buckna, County Antrim. One of the sons born of this union, Dr. Charles Wray, was appointed health officer of Brisbane. He died there in 1902, of Bubonic plague, caught in the discharge of his duty.
Ann Adams, the second daughter of William Adams, wed the Rev. Clarke Huston, D.D., Macosquin. William, his fourth son, espoused Sarah Adair, daughter of Henry Newton Raphael of Galgorm. Their son, George Hill Adams, was identified for some time with the York Street Flax Spinning Company, Ltd., Belfast. Eventually he went to Australia, and still resides there, at Melbourne.
Three of his sons served in the Great War - Captain George Hill Adams, M.C., Australian Artillery; Commander Bryan Fullerton Adams, R.N., D.S.O ; and Wm, Ronald Adams, Australian Field Ambulance.
The last named is now a barrister in Melboune, holding a Government appointment. His brother Bryan, by heroism, covered himself with glory. The Naval Gazette, published some time after the Zeebrudde raid stated: "Lieut.-Commander Bryan F Adams led the naval storming party in the most gallant manner. He was the first to land on the Mole. Followed by his men, he bombed the German lookout, making it useless to them, etc., etc."
Specially promoted Commander for his services, and given charge of his own ship, Bryan had conferred upon him the D.S.O. as an additional honour. He was lately appointed to the Queen Elizabeth, stationed at Malta, where Sir George Keyes, K.C.B., flies his flag.
The eldest sister of George Hill Adams wed the Rev. S. Thomson, B.A. Another became the wife of James Gardiner, a Belfast merchant. Of this marriage there were two sons, James, who succeeded his father in business, and Campbell, a successful medical practitioner. A third sister was united in matrimony to the Rev. Clarke Huston Irwin, M.A., D.D., secretary of the Religious Tract Society. A fourth sister, E. R. Adams, resides in Belfast.
William Adams, son of Thomas Adams, and grandson of William Adams and Elizabeth Hill, resided in Portglenone, and was an elder in Third Portglenone Presbyterian Church. His daughter, Annie Adams, who occupies the old mansion, maintains the high traditions of her family in the educational and musical spheres.
The Rev. Dr. Park, one-time Moderator of the General Assembly, and many others, including solicitors, barristers, doctors, and men of business, could also claim descend from the Rev. John Hill.
Other family associations may be traces through the Hills mentioned. John Hill, of Hillmount, married Anne Barry, of Carrickfergus. Anne Barry's mother was Anne Coleman, a daughter of Dr. John Coleman, of Carrickfergus. Elizabeth Coleman, sister of Mrs. Barry, wed first Dr. Dobbin, of Belfast, and secondly Henry Ellis, barrister-at-law, Innisrush. Mrs. Ellis was a grand-aunt to Elizabeth Hill, who married William Adams, Portglenone. After the death of Henry Ellis, Mrs. Ellis resided for a time in WIlliam Adams's house, where she died. Her letters, which are still preserved, show that she was quite a personality.
The youngest child of John Hill married her cousin, George Hill, of Larne. One of her daughters became the wife of a member of the McNeill family in Larne, related to the Portglenone McNeills. A son and daughter born of this union wed a Portglenone sister and brother respectively. The Larne McNeills, connected with the Hills of Hillmount, followed the legal profession. A solicitor of their name consulted by the Grand Jurors of Cashel resided in a beautiful cottage at Glenone, the side of which is now occupied by James Heenan's residence. He was half-brother to Dr. McNeill, Portglenone.
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Gilby, I am glad that were able to get your hands on a copy of The Shining Bann. I hope that at least a few pages of it will prove useful.
Yes, I was already aware of George Macaulay's daughters, Mary Hill, and the McNeill family being documented in the 1851 census. But still, many thanks for going to the trouble of making a post for me. With best wishes, Paul.
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
James Moore of Ballydivity was married to Margaret Gilliland, my gggggggg aunt. I've just found an extract of his will on Ancestry dated 1778-1783. It mentions his sister Ann, widow of the Rev John Hill of Drumna, and her three sons John, Charles and James, also her daughters Mary Given wife of Wm. Givern, and Ann Edmiston wife of Hugh Edmiston.
Nephews Charles and James Hill were of Drumna (Drumra/Drumraw) while nephew John Hill was of Hillmount. (This fits with the Deputy Court Cheque Book of 1776.)
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Ah well here is what is on the "Registry of Deeds, Dublin : Abstracts of wills" available on Ancestry. This is a copy of a copy of the will/codicils. As I mentioned I hope to be able to see the original at PRONI someday. The square brackets are not mine - they're on the abstract on Ancestry.
682 MOORE, JAMES, Ballydivity, Co. Antrim
24 Dec. 1778. Full 6 pp. 11 Nov. 1783.
My only son James Moore. My sister Ann Hill, widow of Rev. John Hill late of Drumna, her three sons, John, Charles and James, her daughters Mary Given wife of Wm. Givern, and Ann Edmiston wife of Hugh Edmiston. My nephew John Walker, his brothers James, Charles and Robert Walker, their sisters Mary Kithcart wife to Alexr. Kithcart, Sarah Hill wife to John Hill. My two nephews James and Robert Walker both of Glenleary, Do. Londonderry, farmers. My nephew Chas. Walker of Glenleary, Co. Londonderry, farmer. My nephew John Walker, Ballydivity, Barony Dunluce, Co. Antrim, gent. My son-in-law Jno. Stewart, Ballintoy, his only son James Stewart, my grandson (a minor). My grandson James Stewart only son of John Stewart of Ballintoy, Co. Antrim, Esq., if he should become seized of my real estate shall take and assume the surname of Moore. My nephew Chas. Hill, Drumna, Co. Antrim, linen draper, my nephew James Hill of same, linen draper. Margaret Poak otherwise Hamill wife of Wm. Hamill. Robt. Ogilby, Newtownlimavaddy, Co. Londonderry, Esq., M.D. John Hill, Hill[s.]mount, Barony Toomb, Co. Antrim (my nephew), linen draper and Wm. Owens, Holestone, Co. Antrim, watchmaker, trustees. My son-in-law John Stewart, Ballintoy, Esq., Rev. William Lynd, Moyargit, Gospel minister, and John Huey, Ballyalaght, gent., all in the Barony Cary, Co. Antrim, exors. Legacies to poor of parishes of Derrykeighan, and Billy.
The lands of North Ballydivity, Cluntice and Islandahoo which I hold from Earl of Antrim; lands of South Ballydivity, Carnfeog[ne] which I hold under the heirs of James Stewart, Esq., deceased, Upper Ballynaris and Ballyness leased from Earl of Antrim, all in Barony Dunluce, Co. Antrim. Frosses, Barony Kilconway, Co. Antrim held from Earl of Antrim, North Torcrum (ditto) in Grange of Killegan, Co. Antrim, Lissaniske, Barony Dunluce, Duncarbit, Drumchullen and Cullyveely (ditto) Barony Cary, all in Co. Antrim. Upper and Lower Moyargits, held from heirs of Hugh Boyd, Ballycastle, Co. Antrim, deceased. Upper Ballinlea, Barony Carey,Co. Antirm held from Earl of Antrim, Lisbel[la]nagroagh More, Barony Carey, Cloughhorr, Barony Dunluce both Co. Antrim (ditto). Ballymacklevennon [Co. Londonderry] in liberties of Coleraine which I hold from Mrs. Jennet Boyd, widow, deceased.
Witnesses: Wm. Martin, Ballynaris, parish Billy, Co. Antrim, farmer, James Martin, Ballynarish, Presbyterian teacher, commonly called a Probationer, John Martin, Ballynarish, bachelor.
Memorial witnessed by: Said Wm. Martin, James Martin and John Martin.
355, 170, 238479 John Hill (seal)
683 MOORE, JAMES, Ballydivity, Co. Antrim.
Codicil 10 Feb. 1781. Full 1?b p. 11 Nov. 1783.
In former Will appointed as exors. John Stewart Ballintoy, Co. Antrim, Esq., Rev. Wm. Lynd, Moyarget, Co. Antrim, preacher and John Huey, Ballyalaught, Co. Antrim, farmer. Revokes exorship of said Wm. Lynd and John Huey and appoints as exors. said John Stewart, Ballintoy, Richard Lloyd, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, Esq., and Jackson Wray, Dowey, Co. Antrim, gent.
To my only son James Moore the younger all real and personal estate. Debt due by Randal Wm. Earl of Antrim who executed a mortgage deed to me, the rents etc. of lands which I hold under his Lordship in Baronies of Dunluce, Cary and Kilconway, Co. Antrim being a collateral security.
Witesses: William Martin, Ballynaris, parish of Billy, Barony Dunluce, Co. Antrim, farmer, John Martin, Ballynarish aforesaid, bachelor, James Martin, Ballynarish aforesaid, Presbyterian preacher commonly called a Probationer.
Memorial witnesses by: William Martin, John Martin, James Martin.
356, 89, 238480 John Hill (seal) a trustee in said will
684 MOORE, JAMES, of Ballydivity, Co. Antrim.
Postscript. 6 March 1781. Full ?a p. 11 Nov. 1783.
To my nephew John Walker the feather bed and bedclothes, bedstead and hangings that are now all upon the bed in the Blue Room on which he now sleeps, and to possess the said Blue Room for life provided he continues unmarried.
Witnesses: John Hood, parish of Deryaghy, Barony of Massereene, Co. Antrim, Ann Hill in Drumra in parish of Attoghel [? Drumramer, parish Ahoghill], Barony Toom, Co. Antrim, spinster, James Martin, Ballynarish, parish Billy, Barony Dunluce, Co. Antrim, Presbyterian teacher commonly called Probationer.
Memorial witnessed by: James Martin, John Hood.
356, 90, 238481 John Hill (seal)
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Copy will of Mrs Anna Hill (n?ee Barry) of Carrickfergus = PRONI D300/1/5/90
Extracted from the Registry of the Consistorial Court of Down and Connor, 24th February 1832
In the name of God Amen I Anna Hill otherwise Barry of the Town and County of Carrickergus Widow being of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner + form following that is to say I leave devise and bequeath unto John Robinson of Burleigh Hill Esqr, The Rev John Paul of Carrickfergus aforesd. and to their heirs all and singular the farms or parcels of land ? upon trust ?
Daughter Mary Hill otherwise Martin widow of George Hill late of Larne [remarried?]
George Hill McNeill son of Wm McNeill, Larne
Daughter Elizabeth Adams otherwise Hill wife of Wm Adams of Portglenone
James Hill Adams, son of the said Elizabeth Adams
Thomas, brother of the said James Hill Adams
?My daughter Jane Adams of Portglenone ? free from the control and interference of her said husband?
[different daughter to Elizabeth?]
John Adams, son of the said James Adams
Grandson John Martin of the City of Dublin
Barry Martin son of the said John Martin
Granddaughter Ann Smyth otherwise Martin, wife of John Smyth of Carrickfergus
Barry Martin Smyth son of the said Ann Smyth
James Hill Smyth son of the said Ann Smyth
John Adams son of daughter Jane Adams
Alexr Johns Esq, Carrickfergus
Samuel Nelson, Carrickfergus
Dated 25th August 1830
Signed with a seal and her mark [surprising that she was illiterate?]
John McLowan M.P.
John Legg Junr
David Legg
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Copy will of George Hill, Larne = PRONI D300.1.5.79
In the name of God amen I George Hill of Larne in the County of Antrim Do make this my last will and testament in manner following hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made?.
Lists a lot of property in Larne etc?
?for the life of Dr Philip Fletcher which are held under me by 'Malcolm 'McNeill, and I have also purchased or agreed for the purchase of certain lands in Drains afsd. from the Trustees of the will of the late Richard Lorimer. 'And Whereas by the marriage settlement entered into on my marriage with Mary Hill my present wife a certain portion of the property of 'Mrs' Anne Hill the 'Mother of my said wife was settled or covenanted to be settled to the use of the said marriage as therin mentioned including the lands of Drumcraw in said county the pos''son of which the said 'Anne Hill has hereto given?
Appoints his nephew Edward Hill of Bessbank, Co Antrim, and William Kirk Martin (Doctor of medicine) of Woodburn in the County of the town of Carrickfergus as his executors.
Daughters Jane, Anne and Mary
?paid unto my sister Mrs Sarah Anderson the sum of ?10 a year during her natural life and from and after the decease of my said sister shall continue the payment of the said annuity of ?10 a year unto and amongst her three daughters Jane Anderson, Margaret Anderson and Sarah Anne McCubbin otherwise Anderson during their joint lives?
Brother Arthur Hill (also ?10/year)
Daughter Jane widow of the late George Macaulay
Grandson Alexander Macauley
Granddaughters Mary Macaulay, Georgina Macaulay and Anne Jane Macaulay
I do further will and declare that if my Grandson Alexander Mcaulay is desirous to have the house and grounds of Hillmount he shall be entitled to have the same as lately in the tenure of Captain Smyth with right of way to the shore by the present road through McCullions field?
Daughter Anne wife of William Walsh McNeill
Grandson George Hill McNeill
Granddaughter Catherine McNeill
Daughter Mary wife of Arbuthnot Emerson
Niece Jane Anderson (?50 and residue after all expenses)
... In trust in the first place to set apart the sum of ?900 late Irish Currency for payment of a certain charge or lieu on my said lands of Ballywilliam and Sallagh payable to Miss Julia Richardson and for payt. of the interest thereof until such time as the said charge or lieu can be paid?
Wife Mary Hill appointed executrix (in addition to Edward Hill and William Kirk Martin already mentioned)
Dated 14th May 1828
George Birnie, Surgeon, Royal Navy
A. R. Burke
Joshua Thomas Hawkins
Testator died 11th June 1828
Probate granted to Mary Hill Widow the 18th October 1828
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Do we know if Edward Hill was a nephew on George Hill's side, or a nephew on his wife Mary Hill's side?
There are trees online which have Edward Hill of Bessbank being the son of Trevor Hill. Is this then the Trevor Hill of Larne who married Theodora Brice?
I see the obituary of Theodora Hill (n?ee Brice) refers to her "the late Trevor Hill, Esq., of Bess Brook". I wonder if Bess Brook is the same as Bessbank.
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Belfast Commercial Chronicle, 5th Sep 1807:
To be sold by auction, at the Exchange Coffee-Room, on FRIDAY the 25th September nect,
THE LEASE (of which 44 years will be unexpired the first of November next) of that much admired place, on the Shore, near White Abbey, containing 2A. 2R. 13P. of a Bank finely planted, with an Orchard of 119 Apple Trees in full bearing, and an elegant Brick House thereon in the Cottage style, built by the late JAMES LENDRICK, Esq. deceased, highly finished, with Brass Locks, Grates, and Marble Chimney Pieces, and in the improvement of which several Hundred Pounds have been laid out in the last two years, in Planting, and Erecting a House near the Sea, fitted for a Hot Bath, with Iron Boiler and Metal Stoves.
The Lease includes alse two Grazing Fields of 5A. 2R. 23P. contiguous thereto, with a good Stone and Lime House for the accommodation of a Gardener, or Porter's Lodge.
Possession to be given on or before the first of November.
August, 1807.
Royal Belfast Academical Institution ? 1821 Entries
Edward Hill ? Trevor Hill, Esq., Bessbank, Carrickfergus Road
Belfast Commercial Chronicle, 4th May 1825
RBAI Premiums awarded ? Mathematics:
Senior Division ? Edward Hill, Bessbank, Belfast
Belfast Commercial Chronicle, 26th Jun 1826
Mr. EDWARD HILL, of Bessbank, late a pupil of the Belfast Institution, obtained a science premium at the examinations just closed in Trinity College, Dublin.
Alumni Dublinenses (Trinity College Dublin):
Pen. (Mr Hincks), Jan. 2, 1826, aged 16; s. of Trevor, e Scribus in ?de Officii Epistolaris; b. Antrim. B.A. Vern. 1831.
His middle names confirms, I think, that his father was the Trevor Hill married to Theodora Brice (granddaughter of Lord Ventry ? Thomas Mullins). Does anyone know what "e Scribus in ?de Officii Epistolaris" means?
Weekly Vindicator, 22nd Apr 1848:
At 6, Adelaide Place, on the 13th inst., Jane, daughter of the late Trevor Hill, Esq., of Bessbank.
Belfast Newsletter, 14th Oct 1853:
August 28, at New Orleans, of yellow fever, Edward Thomas Mullins Hill, Esq., eldest son of the late Trevor Hill, Esq., of Bessbrook, aged forty-six years.
Belfast Newsletter, 25th Sep 1877:
HILL ? September 24, at 1, Dawson Street, Antrim Road, Belfast, Emily, relict of the late Edward T De Maulins Hill, Esq., formerly of Bessbank, County Antrim, and daughter of the late George A. Kirwan, Esq., of Claremont, County Galway, aged 64 years. Her remains will be removed from the above address for interment in the New Burying0ground, Clifton Street, on Thursday morning, the 27th inst., at nine o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Quote from: Gilby on Sunday 08 January 17 12:02 GMT (UK)
Belfast Newsletter, 25th Sep 1877:[/b]
HILL ? September 24, at 1, Dawson Street, Antrim Road, Belfast, Emily, relict of the late Edward T De Maulins Hill, Esq., formerly of Bessbank, County Antrim, and daughter of the late George A. Kirwan, Esq., of Claremont, County Galway, aged 64 years. Her remains will be removed from the above address for interment in the New Burying0ground, Clifton Street, on Thursday morning, the 27th inst., at nine o'clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.
Clifton St. Burying Ground-
September 24 Emily Hill (Asthma and Consumption) Aged 64 Teacher Dawson Street Native of Galway 15, Grave Number 36 & 37
Any connection? Trevor Hill, son of Trevor, married 1858 Sarah Anne Penny-
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Ah thanks for the Clifton Street link Aghadowey ? I'd forgotten about it. Were you able to find a headstone to go along with the register? I'm not sure I completely understand the grave number reference.
I shall look into this Trevor Hill who married Sarah Anne Penny. Quite likely connected, but I haven't found proof just yet.
This Trevor was also a son of a Trevor Hill:
Belfast Morning News, 25th Aug 1869
August 19, in the Presbyterian Meeting-house, Raloo, by the Rev. W. J. Smyth, Trevor Hill, of Eden, Carrickfergus, to Anne Jane Hogset, of Kilroot.
Church record says he was a bachelor, so probably not the same Trevor that married Sarah Anne Penny.
Bessbank aka Bessbrook aka Whiteabbey House??
Belfast Newsletter, 4th Jan 1842
On the 27th ult., at Albert-place, in the 28th year of her age, Theodora, eldest daughter of Trevor Hill, Esq. late of Whiteabbey-house, deeply regretted by all who knew her.
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
This Trevor was also a son of a Trevor Hill:
Belfast Morning News, 25th Aug 1869
August 19, in the Presbyterian Meeting-house, Raloo, by the Rev. W. J. Smyth, Trevor Hill, of Eden, Carrickfergus, to Anne Jane Hogset, of Kilroot.
The Will of Trevor Hill late of the North-east Division Carrickfergus Farmer deceased who died 22 December 1872 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of William Hogset of Kilroot (Carrickfergus) County Antrim Farmer and Robert Hill of Eden (Carrickfergus) Ship Carpenter the Executors. Wiil mentions wife Ann Jeane Hill, 'Robert Hills son Trevor' so perhaps this Trevor and Anne Jane didn't have any family?
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Ah thanks for the Clifton Street link Aghadowey ? I'd forgotten about it. Were you able to find a headstone to go along with the register? I'm not sure I completely understand the grave number reference.
The headstone inscriptions are in the 2 files on the same page as link to register.
Bessbank aka Bessbrook aka Whiteabbey House??
Belfast Newsletter, 4th Jan 1842
On the 27th ult., at Albert-place, in the 28th year of her age, Theodora, eldest daughter of Trevor Hill, Esq. late of Whiteabbey-house, deeply regretted by all who knew her.
1861- Whiteabbey House- William Cowan
Probably this man- Cowan, William & Co., flax spinners, 3 York Lane. * Whiteabbey.
The Will of William Cowan late of Whiteabbey in the County of Antrim Merchant deceased who died 19 June 1861 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oath of John Lowry of Donegal-place Belfast in said County Merchant one of the Executors.
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Re: Hill family of Larne, Hillmount and Ballymena
Quote from: aghadowey on Sunday 08 January 17 14:03 GMT (UK)
Ah thanks for the Clifton Street link Aghadowey ? I'd forgotten about it. Were you able to find a headstone to go along with the register? I'm not sure I completely understand the grave number reference.
The headstone inscriptions are in the 2 files on the same page as link to register.
Well assuming the grave reference is Platform 15, Graves 36-37, then the headstone appears to be for a Britten family which is a bit confusing.