- Obituary
Cameron - The sudden and shocking death of Mr. John H. Cameron, of Winnipeg, at the Perth station Monday morning at 1:35 cast a deep cloud over the joyous festivities of "Old Home Week." Mr. Cameron was a Perth Old Boy and was home for the reunion of Old Boys and Girls, and more particularly a reunion of his brother and sisters, and his tragic ending brings into bold relief life's sterner side, which we had all forgotten at the height of our enjoyment. Mr. Cameron was enjoying his visit with his old friends and went down to the station to bid good-bye to Mr. Louis Dobbin, who was going away on the midnight express. He was accompanied by his nephew and Mac Cameron, and a few other Perth friends, and uncle and nephew boarded the train with Mr. Dobbin. As the express was pulling out, Mr. Cameron met Mr. James Allan of the Market Square, whom he had not seen for twenty years, and shook hands with him. His companion jumped off first, and a second later or so later he heard a fall. Afterwards, it was learned that the noisse of the fall was caused by deceased falling on the platform and rolling under the express. Eye witnessees saw mr. Cameron's tragic death. Three or four coaches passed over his body; the right leg was severed at the thigh and the left above the knee. He lived for a short time afterwards, but was unconscious. The train pulled out all unaware of the sad tragetdy it had committed in Perth in festival week. Coroner Dr. Dwyre was immediately summoned, but deemed an inquest unnecessary. The remains were conveyed to the home of deceased's brother on harvey Street. A telegraph communication was sent early to Mrs. Cameron in Winnipeg.
John H. Cameron was the son of the late James Cameron, of the Scotch Line, and was 48 years old. He was a tinsmith by trade and worked a number of years with Mr. Andrew McArthur. Some years ago he went west, settling in Winnipeg, and following the trade he learned here years ago. Twelve years ago he married Miss Maggie Pearson of Peterboro, who survives him. One brother, Alex., town and a sister, Miss Jennie, and a half-sister, Mrs George brown, of Brockville, also survive. His brother Mac was killed 15 years ago by falling off a 5-storey building in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
The funeral took place on Wednesday noon to Peterboro, where the body was met by Mrs. Cameron. The accident is deeply regretted, and the sympathy of no only the town but the members of the Old Boys' Reunion goes out to the bereaved family.
The Perth Courier
7 July 1905