- The Late R. J. F. Marsh
Another of the early pioneers of the Rainy River District passed away April 30th at Foresst, in the person of R.J.F. Marsh. Mr Marsh had not been in the best of health for the past year but his sudden passing with scarce a minute's warning came as a great shock to his many friends here.
Lester, Stanley and Effie, of Fort Frances, and Kenneth, of Pinewood, left on Wednesday morning, May 1st, by car and reached Forest on Friday morning, May 3rd. The funeral which as held from the Unitd Church at Forest, was conducted by the pastor, Rev. W.L. Hiles, assisted by Rev. S.W. Muxworthy and Rev. J.R. Harris of Toronto. His favourite chapter, the 17th Chapter of St. John's Gospel was read by Mr. Harris. Internment was made in Beechwood cemetery, Forest, the pallbearers being Caleb Travis, Geo. Fawcett, Ernest Karr, Duncan Whyte, Charles Kirkpatrick and Wm. Lawrie.
Many beautiful floral tributes based the church altar and the casket in the church. These were sent by the United Church, United Church S.S., Mr and Mrs W. Bullock, Mr an Mrs R.J. Vincent, mr and Mrs N. Tripp, Miss Marguerite Campbell, Misses Neelands, all of Forest; Knox Presbyterian Church, Granite Lodge, Eastern Star, Perceptory No. 70, A.H. Watson, W. Baker, Mr and Mres F.H. Warner, all of Fort Frances; a number of Rainy River friends, family wreath from Lester, Stanley, Effie and Frank.
Mr. Marsh was born in the Township of King, North York, in September 1853. In 1874 he married Harriet Elizabeth Carley and moved to Medford where he resided for a short time and then moved to the Rainy River District in 1883, where he settled on a claim on the river 2 1/2 miles south of where Stratton now is and proceeded to carve out a home for himself and young family. In 1899 the wife and mother died and in 1902 the only daughter Maggie a beautiful Christian girl also died. Later that year Mr. Marsh was married again, this time to Annie Mary Miller, of Rainy River, and three children were born, Effie, Kenneth and Frank. Mr. Marsh resigned from the Customs in 1914 an went back to the farm until 1919 when he sold his farm and retired to Forest, residing ther until his death. Mr Marsh is survived by his widow, the four sons and one daughter.
Mr Marsh always took an active part in church work where ever his lot was cast, being a member and Elder of the Presbyterian church until church union, when he cast his lot with the United Church. For years he was Superintendent or assistant Superintendent of Sunday Schools. He was also a member of the Masonic Lodge and a past Dist. Deputy Grand Master of the I.O.O.F.
In the early days he took his share of the hardships of carrying mail from Rat Portage to Rainy River points and he also was the first on thedrive a gas driven vehicle (Brush) from Fort Frances to Rainy River.
The Times joins with the many friends in extending to the bereaved widow and family their sincerest sympathy.
Fort Frances Times, May 16, 1929