- raer Star Clipper, Friday, March 13th, 1925 page 1
W. J. Clark, many years a resident of the Dinsdale neighborhood, died at his home near Cedar Falls last Sunday. Mr. Clark's death was due to pneumonia, complicated by heart trouble, He had been ill only a short time,
Mr. Clark was in his sixty-fourth year, born May 1, 1861. He was a native of Norway, Benton county, Iowa, where he grew to manhood. He farmed near Norway for several years. In 1904 he was married to Miss Lydia Dinsdale of Grant township, Tama county, sister of the Dinsdale brothers and Mrs. John Breakenridge of Dinsdale. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. C lark. A son, James, died at the age of seven. A daughter. Margaret, fifteen years old, and an adopted daughter, five years old survive with the widow. The family lived near Dinsdale several years. Four or five years ago they purchased a farm one mile west of Cedar Falls, where they have since resided. Besides his wife and children Mr. Clark is survived by four sisters?Miss Lizzie Clark, of Long Beach, California; Mrs. William Groff, of Blairstown, Iowa; Mrs. Martha McGranahan, of Cedar Rapids, and another living in New Mexico. His only brother is dead.
Mr. Clark was a man of honor and integrity and was highly respected by his did neighbors in Grant. The funeral was held at the home near Cedar Falls at 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. C. F. Barsalou, pastor of the First Congregational church of that city. The body was brought to Buckingham cemetery for burial, a short service being held at the grave. Three of the four sisters were present at the funeral.