- Mrs. Robert Paul
The subject of this sketch was born at the old homestead near Patterson's Lake, in Dalhousie township, about 61 years ago. Her father was Philip Fair and her mother was Ellen Harper. There were six brothers and three sisters in the family who were as follows: James, George, William, Hughie, John, Howard, Mary Jane (Mrs. Alex. Park), and Margaret Edith (Mrs. Robert Paul). There is only one surviving member, and that is Mrs. Shaw who, whith her husband and children, lives at Cornwall.
Mrs. Paul was married June 26, 1913, and since then has made her home with her husband Robert Paul, in the Elphin community. For a number of years there were in the home Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paul, and the younger members, Robert and Edith. In 1930 Andrew Paul was called hence and on Dec. 23 1939, Mrs. Robert Paul went to her reward. She was stricken just a few hours before the end, but for some time she had been in an uncertain state of health. Through all the sorrows and afflictions of her life she maintained a cheerful and courageous spirit, acting well her part in every sphere of life and duty.
A number of years ago she became a member of the Presbyterian church at Elphin and continued to be a consistent and faithful member as long as she lived. She will be greatly missed in the home and in her circle of friends and acquaintainces being as she was, a faithful and helpful companion, a devoted daughter-in-law, and a friend to all.
The funeral services were held from the home on Tuesday, Dec. 26, and were conducted by Rev. K. McCaskill in the presence of a large number of friends. The following hymns were used. "Lead Kindly Light," "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," "Shall We Gather at the River," and a special number by the choir, "Beyond the Sunset". The body was laid to rest in Crawford's cemetery near the home. The pallbearers were: Dan McDougald, John Nisbet, Hilyard McLean, W.A. Nicol, James Paul and James Smith.
There were the following floral tributes: wreaths, Bland Shaw and family, Robert Paul; sprays, Mrs. Findlay McLean and Hilyard, Mr. John Paul, Mr. and Mrs. J.J. McLean and Marion, Mrs. George Fair and family, Mrs. Carrie Fair; cut flowers, Mr. and Mrs Eber Walroth, Edith and Evelyn Park.