Name |
James Boyle |
Birth |
16 Apr 1840 |
Lanark Highlands (Lanark), Lanark County, Ontario, Canada [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Census-Household Member |
1851 |
Lanark Highlands (Lanark), Lanark County, Ontario, Canada [2] |
Canada |
- Role: Household Member
Census, 12 Jan 1852
#10 William Crawford 50 (1802), carpenter, Ireland, 1802 - household Margaret 25 (1827), Elizabeth 8 (1844) , William 5 (1847), James 3 (1849), Margaret A. 1 (1851) are next to James Bredin.
In the next door household (log house) of #17 James Bredin 72 (1780), Ireland, farmer, are daughter/wife? Elizabeth 57 (1795) Ireland, May 26 (1826), William 24 (1828) #21 Robert Bredin 22 (1830), shoemaker, wife Jane 20 (1832), Richard 18 (1834), Harry W. 16 (1836), Elizabeth 14 (1838), William 11 (1841)and Alexander Wilson 72 (1780).
Another neighbour James Muir is also a shoemaker and may be the son of the shoemaker noted in Robert Mason's diary.
#28 Robert and Janet Boyle may have operated a stopping place (1 story log house) as their property was located on the edge of Lanark village at the point where the road branches, travelling west towards Watson's Corners and north towards Hopetown. This junction would be important for access to timber shanties located further west and north.
Additional name attached to Robert Boyle's household are:
David McIntosh 24 (1828) Scotland
Robert Newen (Noonan) 17 (1835) Scotland - Residence Darling Twp
James Watt 21 (1831) Canada -Residence Dalhousie
Robert Miller 17 (1835) - Residence Bathurst
George Miller 15 (1837) - Residence Bathurst
James Miller 17 (1835 - Residence Rodden
#45 Robert Cannon, cooper, Scotland 35 (1817), Isabell Cannon and daughters Sarah 4 (1848) and Jane 2 (1850) are either across the road or next door to the Boyles in a frame house with a cooper shop. Also in the household are
#49 Margaret Beith, servant, Scotland, 16 (1836)
#50 Jane Wilson 30 (1822)
1851 Census Robert Boyle Household
Robert Boyle property in Lanark Twp
Location-Witness |
1851 |
Lanark Highlands (Lanark), Lanark County, Ontario, Canada [2] |
Concession 2 Lot 6 whole |
Religion-Member |
1851 |
Lanark Highlands (Lanark), Lanark County, Ontario, Canada [2] |
Free Church |
Directory |
1874 |
Pullen Creek, Moggill, Queensland, Australia [3] |
Queensland PO Directory (Balliere) 1874 |
Boyle 1874 Directory
FamilySearch ID |
KL67-5B5 |
Occupation |
3 Apr 1891 |
Munbilla, Queensland, Australia [4] |
Duke of York Hotel, Munbilla |
- The Queensland Times, 3 April 1891
Licensing Courts
Present: Messrs Boyle, Dunn, Sealy.
The following renewals were granted :
James Boyle, Duke of York Hotel, Munbilla.
Matthew Carmody. Rosevale Hotel. Rosevale,
Margaret Dunn, Royal James Hotel, Harrisville.
David W. Rosen, Railrway Hotel, Harrisville.
Hesperus Tacey, Peak Crossing Hotel, Peak Mountain.
Gerald H. Turner, Farmers' Arms Hotel, Milbong.
Occupation |
8 Nov 1892 |
Munbilla, Queensland, Australia [5] |
Dance and meal near Duke of York hotel |
- Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Adviser
Local News
On Friday evening last, a ball and supper was held at Munbilla, and pased off successfully. A suitable apartment in which to hold the dancing had been secured neasr the Duke of York Hotel, and a sumptous repast was laid
out by Mrs. Boyle, landlady of the hotel. There was a goodly number of the residents in attendanoe, and a pleasant evening was spent. After the supper, dancing was indulged in throughont the night, good violin music being provided. The gathering broke up at an early hour in the morning, when all those present left for their homes, highly elated with the night's festivities.
Occupation |
30 Aug 1902 |
Ipswich City, Ipswich Reserve, Queensland, Australia [6] |
Race horse breeder |
- Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser, 30 Aug 1902, pg 2
Sporting Notes.
[By Rocket]
In the early portion of the week Mr. E. Murphy left for Sydney with his horses
Silver Forest, Capriform, and the Little Bernie colt which he bought from an Ipswich sportsman. The horses will be raced about Sydney for some time. Victor Sadlier and W Prie (jockeys) accompanied the horses.
I hear that Mr. J. H. Boyle, of Munbilla, has purchased the well-known racehorse Hector II. as a sire for the coming season. The horse was taken to Munbilla on Thursday morning last. Hector II is a well.bred animal, got by Kingfish from Hecuba, and has fair size and substance to recommend him,
beside a racing career, he being at one time a first-class six-furlong horse. He will do stud duty in the Fassifern district during the approaching season.
Occupation |
4 Sep 1902 |
Munbilla, Queensland, Australia [7] |
Breeder of Race Horses |
- The Brisbane Courier, 4 Sep 1902
Sporting - The Turf
The Kingfish horse Hector II has bidden farewell to the racing track, he having
been purchased by Mr. J. H. Boyle of Munbilla, who Intends retiring the old
chestnut to the stud. Very little fault can be found with Hector II either on the
score of good looks or breeding, and, as he had a good racing career, he should do well at the stud. He will do stud duty in the Fassifern district during the approaching season.
Occupation |
24 Aug 1907 |
Munbilla, Queensland, Australia [8] |
Tenders for Mumbilla Hotel painting and repairs |
_UID |
BAB7CE9B2E574CD0A10F793B3A49CCCFFD41 |
Death |
31 Jul 1917 |
Junction Park, Theodore, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [9, 10] |
- Name: James Boyle
Death Date: 31 Jul 1917
Death Place: Queensland
Father's name: Robert Henry Boyle
Registration Place: Queensland
Registration Number: 003262
Page Number: 197
Sophia Wilson Death Notice
Sophia Wilson Death Notice
Burial |
31 Jul 1917 |
Harrisville Cemetery, Harrisville, Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia [11] |
Notes |
- (Research):Land Orders 1863
Land Orders 1864
James may have been a teacher. He travelled to Australia age 24, arriving in Brisbane 27 Jan 1864 on 'Light of the Age' with wife Ann McIntyre, age 20.
James Boyle was an innkeeper near Kelvin Grove. The hotel was on the road to Warwick and was a stop for travellers between the Fassifern an the Darling Downs.
Check out Lutwyche Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland.
James Boyle Ann McIntyre
1 Genealogy - Charles & Ted
Diane Duncan
Feb 19, 2018, 3:25 PM
to Charles
I've been working quite intensely, trying to finalize some info on the Queensland Boyle Miller connection over the past week. I'm really struggling with the Alfred James Boyle McIntyre situation.
Did you ever find evidence that James and Ann married? Why can I not find any evidence of Ann's death other than a photo of her stone (where is it located?)
Is there a story that has been buried???
Also do you know anything of Dursella Boyle, raised by Robert Hendry and Janet Miller family. The story I am hearing is that she was the child of one of the Boyle men, and it has been suggested Robert Hendry? I have her descendants but trying to untangle the family 'story'.
Charles McFadden
Feb 19, 2018, 5:55 PM
Hi Diane
1850 United States Census
Name Ann McIntyre
Age 11
Birth Year abt 1839
Birthplace Scotland
Home in 1850 Elmira, Chemung, New York, USA
Gender Female
Family Number 715
Household Members
Name Age
Alexander McIntyre 35
Janette McIntyre 36
Margaret McIntyre 14
Ann McIntyre 11
Jane McIntyre 9
Isabel McIntyre 7
Elizabeth McIntyre 4
Ann McIntyre is buried at Hopetown with her parents Sandy McIntyre and Jane Yuill whose sister in law was Kitty McNab the illegitimate daughter of the 17th Laird of McNab ?
McNab Township Renfrew County. Jane Yuill's brother died fighting in the War of the Rebellion in the United States and Kitty ( Catherine ) returned to Canada. Kitty's mother was the Laird's housekeeper Catherine Fisher.
Ann McIntyre dies in 1858 at age 19 giving birth to Alfred James Boyle. This is as you know well before mandatory government registration for births, deaths, marriages begins in 1869 and just because it became mandatory in 1869 does not mean that people complied ? in fact large numbers did not ? evidence what we have found in the Huron Tract in that regards for example.
1861 Census of Canada
Name Alfred Boyle
Gender Male
Age 3
Birth Year 1858
Birthplace Canada West
Home in 1861 Lanark, Lanark, Canada West
Religion Church of Scotland
Film Number C-1042-1043
Page number 12
Household Members
Name Age
Alfred Boyle 3
As you can see here is Alfred James Boyle son of Ann McIntyre and James Boyle in the family household with Sandy McIntyre and Jane Yuill and Ann McIntyre's younger siblings as Ann was the 2nd oldest. Alfred was raised with Ann's younger siblings.
Here is Alfred again in 1871 same drill
Name Alfred Mc Intyre
Gender Male
Age 12
Birth Year abt 1859
Birth Place Ontario
Religion Church Of Scotland
Origin Scottish
Province Ontario
District Lanark North
District Number 80
Division 01
Subdistrict Lanark
Subdistrict Number e
Household Members
Name Age
Andrew Campbell 33
Martha Campbell 30
Archibald Campbell 10
Ann G Campbell 8
Marion Campbell 2
Alexander Mc Intyre 53
Jane Mc Intyre 53
William Mc Intyre 25
Alexander Mc Intyre 21
Isabella Mc Intyre 18
David Mc Intyre 16
Alfred Mc Intyre 12
John Mc Intyre 10
Here is Alfred James Boyle again in 1881 same drill
Name Alfred McIntyre
Gender Male
Age 21
Birth Year 1860
Birthplace Ontario
Religion Canada Presbyterian Church
Nationality Scotch
Occupation Labourer
Province Ontario
District Number 112
District Lanark North
Sub-District Number D
Subdistrict Lanark
Division 1
Household Members
Name Age
Alex McIntyre 56
William McIntyre 32
Bella McIntyre 28
Alfred McIntyre 21
John McIntyre 20
Jane McIntyre 54
Ann McIntyre died in childbirth at age 19 giving birth to Alfred. Her parents Sandy and Jane decided to raise Alfred and James Boyle got a shot at a new life in such tragic circumstances and he went to Colony of Australia and eventually in time had another family with Margaret Sophia Wilson.
I'm sure James and Ann would have married but I have not looked for a marriage record which would have to be in a parish register as I never felt a need to given my Lawson knowledge ofg the events. Though tragic it is actually a not right term but kind of nice story/solution as Alfred was raised with his grandparents in a loving environment and as a sibling to his Uncles and Aunts and James Boyle got shot at a new life as things would have been tough for him.
Many of James Boyle's siblings got married in the Congregational Church in Middleville which is today an artist studio and it is across the road from my 3 great Uncle Sandy's place and beside Affleck and McLachlan House. Place to look if you want to try to find a marriage record may be in the congregational registers if they could be found ? I have never run across them and Robert Somerville son of John Somerville Senior and Margaret Gray was a prime mover in the Middleville congregational church. Some of the records for the Middleville congregational church are misfiled/lost and are actually at McMaster from what Robert Urquharts 4 great granddaughter mentioned to me.
Name Alfred Boyle Macintyre
Gender Male
Marriage Date 15 Oct 1890
Marriage Place Louise, Manitoba, Canada
Spouse Marion Gemmel Lawson
Household Members
Name Age
Alfred Boyle Macintyre
Marion Gemmel Lawson
Marion's father was a first cousin of my 2 great grandmother.
1921 Census of Canada
Name: Alfred McIntyre
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widowed
Age: 64
Birth Year: abt 1857
Birth Place: Scotland
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father Birth Place: Scotland
Mother Birth Place: Scotland
Year of Immigration: 1920
Racial or Tribal Origin: Scotch (Scotish)
Province or Territory: Saskatchewan
District: Maple Creek
District Number: 220
Sub-District Number: 55
City, Town or Village: Pitville
Section Number: 6
Township Number: 17
Range Number: 19
Meridian Number: W3
Municipality: Pitville
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
Name Age
Alfred McIntyre 64
Howard McIntyre 21
Geo Davis 30
Evan Elmer Davis 20
Alfred is actually not widowed. Marion left him, they split up and she married someone else and later died in 1967.
This may help
Sandy's farm was on the 2nd Concession of Lanark Township and Hopetown was their nearest village. They raised a large family of 4 sons and 3 daughters, besides raising Alfred Boyle , their grandchild, when his mother Ann died in childbirth. Sandy's wife was Jane Yuill, a daughter of the original William Yuill and Jennie Mitchell of White Lake. After his wife died it is believed he made his home at his son William's farm on the Lanark road near Middleville. The road to the farmstead wound through a Maple bush which provided maple syrup and maple sugar in springtime. At the rear of the farm was Baxters Lake where fish could be caught when needed. It was my pleasure to know the families of William, David and Alexander. It should be noted that 3 sons volunteered in the first war, one was killed and another incapacitated for life. The McIntyre Story 1837-1975 written by H.S. McIntyre born 1888.
Source: The McIntrye Story 1837 - 1975 written by H.S. McIntyre (1888 - )
As regards to Drusilla Boyle in Ausralia
First one I have is Caroline Drusillia Boyle 11 Sept 1879 Queensland died Boonah Queensland 15 Mar 1973 maried William Jackson 1876 ? 1947. She is daughter of Mungo Alexander Boyle amd granddaughter of Janet Jessie Miller.
One you are after is Drusilla Boyle 18 Oct 1866 Lanark Township died 1950 Ipwich Queensland married James Daniel Smith 1860 ? 1928.
Drusillia's mother is Elizabeth McManagle and she is the sister of Margaret McManagle who is Mrs. John Hendry Boyle son of Janet Jessie Miller.
Name Margaret McManagh
Age 22
Birth Year abt 1842
Birth Place Kitley
Residence Lanark Township
Marriage Date 13 May 1864
Marriage Place Lanark, Ontario, Canada
Father Anthony McManagh
Mother Elizabeth James
Spouse John Henry Boyle
Robert Hendry Boyle marries Elizabeth Skiffington at the Congregational Church in Middleville 26 Sept 1865 so the artists studio
John Hendry Boyle married Margaret McManagle in 1864 at the Congregational Church in Middleville ? the artists studio.
Name Robert Henry Boyle
Age 28
Birth Year abt 1837
Birth Place Lanark, Ontario
Residence Lanark Township
Marriage Date 26 Sep 1865
Marriage Place Lanark, Ontario, Canada
Father Robert Henry Booyle
Mother Janet Miller
Spouse Elizabeth Skiffington
Household Members
Name Age
Robert Henry Boyle
Janet Miller
Robert Henry Booyle
Elizabeth Skiffington
Margaret Jones
Terrance Skiffington
Robert Hendry Boyle was boinking his sister in laws sister Elizabeth McManagle in January 1866 so 4 months after he married Elizabeth Skiffington who was knocked up.
Robert Hendry Boyle and Elizabeth Skiffington's first child is born in 1865 in Lanark Township ???.
He had Elizabeth Skiffington pregnant well before they got married and she would have been pregnant when he was cavorting with Elizabeth McManagle.
Elizabeth and Margaret McManagles mother was Elizabeth James daughter of the Lanark Society Settler Robert James Brig Commerce 1820.
Elizabeth and Margaret McManagle were granddaughters of John McManagle the Society Settler who came out on the Brock in 1820 with James Blair, James Baird John Lawson Robert Urquhart et als
Probably not what you want to hear and is no doubt why you are having difficulty with it as well Robert Hendry Boyle has the 2 babes on the go at the same time so to say.
If Don can stop laughing let me know if that helps or not ?
I've been working on my Iron Founders of York on my father side.
Diane Duncan
Attachments Alexander Mcintyre & Jane Yuill.pdf
Feb 20, 2018, 9:46 AM
to Charles
Just entered the 1850 census and where are Willim and Alexander Clyde?
Diane Duncan
Feb 20, 2018, 12:44 PM
to Charles
Do you have info for lawrence Michael Boyle, son of Robert Henry and Eliz Skiffington. Is he the pregnancy child?
Person ID |
I2086 |
Lanark County Origins | This is my paternal Lineage |
Last Modified |
16 Apr 2024 |
Family 1 |
Margaret Sophia Wilson, b. Abt 1837, New York City, New York, United States d. 24 Aug 1907, Harrisville, (Ipswich Reserve), Fassifern Valley, Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia (Age ~ 70 years) |
Marriage |
29 Feb 1864 |
All Saints Anglican Church, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia [12] |
- Name: James Boyle
Spouse Name: Margaret Sophia Wilson
Marriage Date: 29 Feb 1864
Marriage Place: Queensland
Registration Place: Queensland
Registration Year: 1864
Registration Number: B000862
Page Number: 1447
Children |
| 1. Thomas Henry Boyle, b. 26 Jan 1865, Queensland, Australia d. 3 May 1867, Harrisville, (Ipswich Reserve), Fassifern Valley, Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia (Age 2 years) |
+ | 2. Janet Miller "Jess" Boyle, b. Abt 1867, Harrisville, (Ipswich Reserve), Fassifern Valley, Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia d. 12 Apr 1931, Redlands, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (Age ~ 64 years) |
| 3. John Henry Boyle, b. Abt 1879, Queensland, Australia d. 28 May 1919, Queensland, Australia (Age ~ 40 years) |
Family ID |
F636 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
4 Mar 2024 |