- 1908, Friday April 10 The Almonte Gazette page 4
Death of Mrs Dunlop Gemmill
We regret to announce the death of Mrs Dunlop
Gemmill, wife of Lt-Col James Dunlop Gemmill of Almonte,
which took place at her residence at Rome,, Italy, 25 via
Emilia, on Wednesday, the 18th of March, at seven o'clock
in the morning of acute peritonitis. The news of the death
was quite unexpected and came as a great shock to all who
knew her in Canada and elsewhere, as she was only ill for
eleven days, and even her family, who were with her till the
end, did not anticipate a fatal termination to her illness, nor
realize the sad truth till about twelve hours before she died.
Besides her husband the deceased leaves two daughters,
Winifred and Edith, to mourn her loss, and four sisters, all
resident in Montreal, viz., Miss Louie Knight, Mr T. Smeaton,
Mrs T. Cooper and Mrs Stuart, also two brothers,
James M. Knight of Leadville, Col., and Harry Knight of
Boulder, Col. Mrs Dunlop Gemmill before her marriage was
Miss Katherine Knight, third daughter of the late George
Knight, Esq., of Glasgow, Scotland sometime manager of
the Ayrshire railway and latterly of the Clyde Trust, and was
married in 1877 at Montreal, by Rev Gavin Lang to Lt-
Colonel James Dunlop Gemmill of this town. The funeral
took place on the 20th of March to the Protestant cemetery
of the Testaccio at Rome,.......
Gravesite Details
She is buried in Rome Italy