- James McIlquham
Died In Drummond, Dec 2nd, James McIlquham, aged 78 years. Son of the late Jas. Mcllquham, who died over 30 years ago, he was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1819. At the age of two years, they moved to Canada settling on the banks of the Mississippi. One brother Walter survives at the age 87 years. The deceased married Mary Spalding, of the Scotch Line, who predeceased him by a year and a half. The surviving family are, Mrs. John McLenaghan, Drummond; James, of Anson, -Wis; John, of Phillips, Wyoming; Walter S., on the homestead; Mrs. Jas. Jackson, of Trelona, Wyoming; William, of Anson, Wis; Mrs. W.W. Foster, Smith's Falls; Miss Jessie, at home; and David of Alexander, Man. Burial in Lanark Village cemetery.
Lanark Era,
Wed. December 8th, 1897
The Late Mr. James McIlquham
Mr. James McIlquham, whose death occurred last week, was a highly esteemed and well known farmer of Drummond. He was 78 years of age and had been an elder of St. Andrew's church, Lanark, for 35 years. The Rev.D.M. Buchanan, in referring to the deceased at the morning service last Sabbath said:
"During the past week a beloved brother, an elder of this church for upwards of 35 years, was called to his eternal reward. The late Mr. James McIlquham, whose remains we yesterday bore to their last resting place, was ordained and inducted into the eldership of this church in December 1862. It becomes me, therefore, this morning, to make special refereence to the death of one who has so long and faithfully served his church. I am not using a mere platitude when I tell you that I highly esteemed our departed brother and am deeply grieved at teh loss we have sustained as a session and as a congregation. He was esteemed for his wisdom, for his kindness and for his good works. I can speak from experience of his life, only as I have known it during the past few years. It was the evening hours before I knew him. So of his youger days I can only speak from reputation. The fact that 35 years ago this congregation called him to act as an elder in the church showed the confidence his fellow members, nearly all of whom have now passed away, had in him then, and their appreciation of his personal character and godly life. Of his personal character I need say but little. His life is before you, and by the fruits of that life you know him. Ican add nothing by words of praise, for his life speaks for itself. It is the best testimony that I can give when I say that his life needs no commendation. Of every human life it could be said that it might have been better. We all have our human frailties and shortcomings, but at death we instinctively throw the mantle of charity over the shortcomings and we fix our thoughts upon life. Since I knew him, he has been to me a warm friend, a kind counsellor and a hearty helper. Of him it was true 'that the path of the righteous is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.' His personal Christian experience was a ripe one. Of him it can truly be said, 'he knew God.' He loved his Savior who had redeemed him by his precious blood. With the Word of God he was very familiar, and he made it his comfort in the blinding storm of the world's troubles - his defence in the hour of trial - his guide in the darkness. The anchor of his soul was fast within the veil, and his hope of Heaven was bright. No fear of death disturbed life's closing scenes - no weakening of the bond of faith distracted his soul as he passed through the valley of the shadow of death to the land of endless day. The promises of God were his support and comfort, in the thickening shade of life's closing hours. To his official life let me refer very briefly. As a member of the sessionn he was loved and highly respected. His ripe experience and calm judicial mond, the cautious and deliberate way he had of considering the question or issue, before expressing his mind, all tended to make his opinion valuable. He was careful in forming his opinion, and when it was formed it was usually worthy of the man. No rash jumping at conclusions - no reckless expression of an opinion, without due consideration, to be changed by the next wind that blew, marked his official life. I valued his counsel much and know that I shall miss him - miss him as a warm friend, miss him as a wise counsellor - miss him as a Christian brother of ripe Christian experience and I believe of sincere purpose. But he is gone. That human form now enfeebled with the burden of years, those silvery locks now whitened by the storm of many winters will be seen amongst us no more. You will take no longer from his hand the emblems of Christ's broken body and shed blood. No more you will greet him at your homes. But the memory of his life will abide with us. It will act, I trust, as an incentive to all of us to be faithful and to live the life of the righteous, that our last end may be like his, peaceful, hopeful and resigned. Truly he has come to his 'grave in a full age like as a shock of corn cometh in its season.' We part with nim in sorrow, yet with hope: sadness and weeping as we think of our loss, joy and hope as we think of his gain. The parting is only til the Master come. We shall meet again where sorrow shall never cloud the brow, where tear drops shall never stain the cheek. Rrom the cold and silent grae in which we laid him we turn our eyes this morning to Him who said, 'I am the resurrection and the life.' Bereaved once, list I me....
The Perth Courier
10 Dec 1897