- came to canada in 1820. father of Jesse (died age 3 months), Barbara (died age 5 years), james cotton (pamela sarah Jeanette vining), Peter (died age 2 years), janet (born 1844), john M (adelia Hazelton),
Prominent Pioneers
Profiles and Obituaries from newspapers in the Viola Reid collection, LCGS
Archives (Transcribed from the transcription by Ruth Bowes)
A Respected Pioneer of Ramsay Passed Away at his Son's Residence in Brantford
A Faithful Church Member, 1896
There will be sadness in hundreds of hearts in this section when it becomes known that Mr. Robert Yule, one of Ramsay's pioneers and a man who held the high respect of all who knew him, passed to his reward on Sunday evening, 26th January, at the residence of his son, Peter M. Yule, 44 Sarah St. Brantford, in the 88th year of his age. He leaves a record fragrant with good deeds. Possessing unusual graces of mind and heart - being one of those cheerful Christians of fine impulses, an affectionate winning nature, and devoting his talents adown life's journey for the good of humanity - he won the hearts of all who came in contact with him, and his death is deeply deplored. For some time prior to Mr. Yule's death his friends were aware that the burden of advancing year was bearing heavily upon him. On the 14th of January he was attacked with inflammation of the lungs. After a few days, however, this trouble was removed and he seemed to be in a fair way to recover; but the shock was too much for his enfeebled body, and nature gave way at last. He sank gradually until the end came. Peacefully and gently as closed the quiet Sabbath day his spirit departed to enjoy a Sabbath of eternal rest. The late Robert Yule was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1821, living for long years at "Leckie's Corners", and being a faithful worker in connection with the Almonte Baptist Church. In 1882 he removed to Brantford, and was engaged by the Y.M.C.A. After occupying this position for nine years he retired and went with his son, John M. Yule. For the past three years he lived with his son Peter, at whose residence he passed away. The family consists of Robert of Wallaceburg; John M. of Buffalo, N.Y.; Peter M. of Brantford; Miss Janet of Toronto; and Barbara (now Mrs. Kemp) of Brantford. Deceased was a faithful and conscientious member of Calvary Baptist Church, and held the office of deacon up to the close of his life. The funeral took place on the 28th ult. Service was held at the church, as illness in his son Peter's house precluded the holding of a service there. During of late Mr. Yule's connection with the Y.M.C.A. he became very well known to many citizens of Brantford and won there, as he did here, an enviable reputation for courtesy and sterling integrity.
Dear to our hearts, the blessed memory
Of blameless days lived to a blameless close,
And dearer still, the priceless legacy
Of faith and love, we find it hard to lose.
Farewell, till day break, and the shadows flee.
With trembling feet we seek to follow on
Thou shalt not come, but we shall go to thee
We too my reach the Light where thou hast gone.
Wed. February 12th, 1896 - death
Brantford, Ont. Jan. 26th, Robert Yuill, aged 87 years. Formerly of Lackey's Crs. He was one of Ramsey's earliest settlers, where he worked as a tailor for over 40 years. Robert Yule, a son of James Yuill and Barbara Colton, was a tailor who lived and worked at Bennie's Crs., Ramsay Twp. He met his wife, the former Janet McLaren, when he was serving as an apprentice in Lanark. They eventually relocated to Brantford, Ont.
How many children?
Posted 25 Aug 2014 by david_j_mclaren
"The Lanark Society Settlers" by Carol Bennet says Robert Yule and Janet McLaren had nine children.
Evelyn Eberhardt quotes the Yule Family History, by John McLaren Yule, and lists the following children:
Janet McLaren (1834-1835)
James Colton
Robert Headrick
Janet McLaren (1843-1915)
John McLaren
Barbara Colton
Peter McLaren
Carrie McLaren says they had five sons and two daughters, then lists James, Robert, Janet, Barbara, Peter and John.
Brantford, Brant County, Ontario, Canada