- The serious illness of Mr. James W. Campbell was a matter of concern to all our citizens, and when on Tuesday morning of last week Mrs. Campbell was called to Montreal, whither her husband had been taken for hospital treatment, there spread the impression that his recovery could not be looked for. On Wednesday evening a telegram was received conveying the sad intelligence that the doctors in the hospital gave him only two hours more to live. This was a preparation for the telegram received on Thursday morning, announcing that his death occurred at half-past eleven o'clock on Wednesday night. Mr. Campbell entered Victoria Hospital, in Montreal, on Monday, March 27th. Before going to the hospital he had been ill for four weeks, and twice in that time his life was despaired of. But he gained strength rapidly, and was doing as well as could be expected until a day or two before his removal to the hospital. To the friends who called on him the day before he was taken to Montreal he appeared to be in the best of spirits and expressed his confidence that he would soon return in better health. No doubt his cheerfulness enabled him to prolong the struggle for life, but the Divinity that shapes our ends had decreed against his recovery. A week ago Friday last he underwent the first operation, which was highly succesfull and promised the most favorable results, but on Monday of last week he took a turn for the worse, requiring a second operation the following day. He suffered intensely after this operation, but remained conscious up to the last few minutes of his life. Characteristic of his business-like turn of mind was his action in settling all his bills with the hospital authorities a few hours before his death. Mr. James Deachman, who accompanied him to Montreal, was with him until the end. His remains were brought home on Thursday night.
Deceased was a son of the late Arch. Campbell, of Lanark township, and was born forty-one years ago on the farm now occupied by Mr. John Ramsbottom, jr. Six brothers - John, Andrew, Duncan, David, Archibald and William - and three sisters - Mrs. John McDonald and Mrs. John Somerville, jr., of Lanark township, and Mrs. Richard Stead, of Cartwright, Man., survive him. His early boyhood days were spent at the school near his home and his education was finished by a course in the Lanark village public school. On leaving school he went to work with his brother, William, who was then running a hub and spoke factory at Stittsville. After working there for some time he returned here, his father having purchased the lot and erected the shingle and planing mill formerly operated by Mr. Arch. Affleck. His brother, William, had charge of the mill for several years, when it was sold to Mr. Robt. Lawson, from whom it was subsequently purchased by deceased. He operated it for a time, and eleven years ago sold it to Mr. Arch. Affleck. He then embarked in the furniture business, beginning on a small scale in a building adjoining his residence. The venture proved successful and his trade increased so rapidly that he soon required larger quarters. He then purchased from Mr. Arch. Daron the large shop on Main street, where he had built up a most successful business for himself. Strange to say, he never served an apprenticeship and yet was a skilled mechanic. He manufactured a high-grade of furniture and carried a heavy and well-assorted stock. This, with his shrewd, careful business talent, brought him a large trade. He was keen to do business, prompt to the minute in the fulfillment of all agreements, and a pleasant man to deal with.
Nineteen years ago he was married to Miss Lizzie McKerracher, of Bathurst, and she now mourns an irreparable loss. Three sons, John, Maynard and Wilmur, and one daughter, Lila, are deprived of the care and guidance of a loving father. The eldest son is but sixteen years of age, while Wilmur, the youngest of the family, is nine years old. Deceased was a great lover of home and took special pleasure in his family, on which account the bereavement will be the more severe to his wife and children. Mrs. Campbell, who attended her husband almost constantly during his illness before he was removed to the hospital and who was with him during the last two days of his life, is prostrated with grief and fatigue, but kind and sympathetic hands will be held out helpfully to her as she wades through the deep waters of affliction. The whole community sympathize with her and the family in their bereavement.
The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon at one o'clock, the services at the house being conducted by the deceased's pastor, Rev. D.M. Buchanan. The text chosen was John XIV: 18 - "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you" - and Mr. Buchanan's remarks were well calculated to soothe the grief and sorrow of the mourning friends. After the services an opportunity was given to all to look for the last time upon the familiar countenance of their departed friend, when the casket containing his remains was carried from the house to the hearse at the door by Messrs. D. McKerracher and R. Burris and deceased's four brothers, Andrew, Archibald, Duncan and David. Then began the solemn march to the village cemetery, where all that was earthly of him was confined to the silence of the tomb - the closing scene of a life which, a few weeks ago, was full of promise of usefulness to the community and pleasure and happiness to his family.
The Lanark Era, Wednesday, April 12, 1899, page 4