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- Name: Herbert Mungo Alexander Boyle
Spouse Name: Sarah Horton
Marriage Date: 13 Oct 1909
Marriage Place: Queensland
Registration Place: Queensland
Registration Year: 1909
Registration Number: 000993
Page Number: 2527
A very pretty wedding (writes a correspondent) was celebrated in the Milora Methodist Church on Wednesday, the 13th instant, at 11 a.m., the Rev. H. Potter being the celebrant. The contracting parties were Mr. Herbert Boyle, of Murgon (son of Mr. Mungo Boyle, Harrisville), and Miss "Ciss" Horton (daughter of Mr. William Horton, Munbilla). The church was very prettily decorated by the lady friends of the bride, and over the bridal party a wedding-bell was suspended. The hymn "The voice that breathed o'er Eden" was sung by the congregation, and the "Wedding March" was played by Mr. Pool (church organist), as the bridal party left the church. Much interest in the ceremony was evinced by the large gathering of the friends of both families, who are highly respected and well known through
out the district. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a charming gown of creme silk poplin-de-chene. The skirt was made in semiempire style, the front panel being of silver lace; girdle of cream mervilleux ribbon, finished with deep silk fringe ; bodice, yoke of tucked net and a berthe of silk lace, finished with silk bob fringe, folded sleeves, finished at the wrist with fillings of lace. A wreath of orange blossoms was worn under a pretty tulle veil. The bride carried a beautiful shower bouquet of lilies, roses, and asparagus, tied with long streamers of white ribbon. She was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Brighouse, Brisbane, (chief), and Miss Boyle (sister of the
bridegroom). The chief bridesmaid was dressed in cream silk voile, the skirt being semi-empire style, finished
with silk girdle ; the blouse daintily trimmed with silk lace and ilnsertion, kimino style ; ruckled sleeves, finished with silk lace ; hat of creme erin, swathed with striped crystalline, wreath of pink bebe roses and moss, beautiful white ostrict plume and mervilleaux ribbon. Miss Boyle was gowned in creme cashmere, tucked skirt, and blouse trimmed with lace. She wore a pretty hat of creme erin, swathed with striped crystalline, and trimmed with clusters of hydrangea and ivy leaves. Both bridesmaids carried pretty bouquets of white and pink sweet peas and asparagus.
Messrs. Boyle and Horton attended the bridegroom. After the ceremony a large number of guests were entertained at Mountain View, the residence of the bride's parents. The mother of the bride, who received the guests wore a becoming black dress, trimmed with silk and insertion, toque of black and white, sequined net, black wing finished with black and white rosette of chiffon and lace, and black velvet. The wedding breakfast was a very enjoyable function, the chief feature of the table being a three-tier wedding cake, beautifully iced and decorated by Mr. H. Mathams, of Brisbane. The usual toasts were honoured. Later Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyle left for Brisbane, the latter wearing a pretty travelling dress of navy-blue silk colienne, semi-empire style, with silk trimmings, hat to harmonise.
The young people were the recipients of many beautiful and valuable presents.